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What plant would you choose?

Hi folks. Most of you all know I'm very limited as far as space and how many plants I can have/overwinter.
That being said, I may be forced to be able keep only two of the 3 plants I want to overwinter.
My Carolina Reaper I'm planning on keeping for sure, but if you had to make a choice, would you keep
the Yellow Moruga or Bubblegum 7 pod?
I know, a very tough choice isnt it???
I would say that it is too early to tell.  Dont make the decision until you grow the plant out, and identify pod shape, heat, size, yield, etc.  Once you get a good idea of the plants production, then it is easier to make your decision.  You could say that the BBG 7 is what you would want to OW, but you could end up (hopefully not) getting pods that don't have the big red crown, or the phenotype that you are looking for. 
Thanks for the replies! I agree about trying to keep them until I can better judge what type of plant they will be. But again, due to the lack of space Im not sure if I will be able to keep all 3 plants until they produce? I will do my best though!
Yeah Tyler it is almost a coin toss! Lol
I suggest overwintering all of them.
There's likely space you may have overlooked in and around your home, such as in your shower (may have to wait til next summer to bathe), the back of a drained toilet (just hold it), in your washing machine (fabreeze your work clothes), on your bedside table, in the kitchen sink, or in your car (just leave it running with the heat on all winter).

Each of these options may impose some personal discomfort, but these are pepper plants we're talking about and you've got to have priorities.
Hahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  You crack me up Bruce!!!

What's your idea grimm? Wiukd love to overwinter your white Bhut too! Hmmm maybe I can keep that bad boy at work? No room to over winter it in my apartment though :(
megahot said:
Hahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  You crack me up Bruce!!!

What's your idea grimm? Wiukd love to overwinter your white Bhut too! Hmmm maybe I can keep that bad boy at work? No room to over winter it in my apartment though :(
White Bhut. I know I'm gonna overwinter mine
also... something I tried this year for overwintering with fairly good success was to do 2-3plants per container with the base of the stems touching with the hope they'd fuse. they seem to be doing quite nicely, the ones that are struggling and or died, i'm 99% sure were due to first time mistakes.
megahot said:
Thanks for the replies! I agree about trying to keep them until I can better judge what type of plant they will be. But again, due to the lack of space Im not sure if I will be able to keep all 3 plants until they produce? I will do my best though!
Yeah Tyler it is almost a coin toss! Lol
Out of curiosity why can't you keep all three until they produce? Are you growing inside or something?