sun What SuperHots love full sun?

So I currently have allot of pepper plants growing, and not enough room for them on my property. So I have decided to give a bunch away. Some to local restaurant owners and some to hobby farmers, as well as coworkers.
My question is geared towards a specific location at my girlfriends house that gets some of the best sun in town. I will have 2 half wine barrels at my disposal and want to use them wisely ( soil alone for each pot is going to be around $30). So which type of peppers to use? I have various 7pods and Bhut variety peppers, as well as alot of Habanero and Hab-Scorp-bhut crosses, and many other not as hot species. Think of this as my hot pepper Hail Mary. I would like to secure a freezer full of pods and seeds galore to pay back the generous members of this forum.

Anyone know what will stand up to full sun alllllll day with a couple 100F days?
Im not talking survive, im talking thrive! I want something that will benefit from this treatment, not just handle it. Is there a pepper like this?

Any ideas or comments are appreciated.
I have had great success with 7-pod choc and yellow, Nagas love that sun too just not Dorsets in my experience. Fatallis whilst not being super hot also thrive. Barrackpore 7-pods eat it up, stay away from congoes they are more semi shade not full sun. If i had to pick one variety i would go with Naga's, bhuts, bihs, absolutely love it!

Good luck mate :P
I don't currently have barrackpore but do have a couple Jonahs, maybe they would be an appropriate substitute? I also have a douglah thats one of my biggest...

thanks for the advice! whatever happens will be posted here eventually, so any feedback helps.
You wont have any problems with your jonahs in full sun either, they are one of the best tasting sevens too. Rock on!
i live in a tropical country. and i've found all my pepper plants grow best in full sun. doesn't matter what variety, they all just want full sun. the ones in the shade ain't doin' squat for me. gonna replant them somewhere else and put in shade loving plants there instead.