What the heck? Something's got to be wrong here...

Yesterday I picked two ripe Biker Billy Jalapenos and my first three ripe Jalapeno M peppers. Earlier, I sliced them up and put them on a pizza--being careful not to mix the two varieties, for taste (and possibly heat) comparison. Well, I think it's safe to say, they're both so damn hot they don't need a comparison! It was a 12" pizza, and was loaded with slices of pepper. For some background, I'm used to getting green jalapenos from the store to put on pizzas, and they give me a nice overall burn, if a bit weak sometimes, but usually just about right... and ironically I have to get them from the local Wal-Mart, because my Giant Eagle sells jalapenos with virtually no heat whatsoever (and bland taste at that).

Well, I just got done eating my first two slices (half of the pizza) a little bit ago. As I ate, it got hotter... good signs. But as I kept going, it kept getting hotter, and hotter, and... hotter?! Seriously, that pizza overwhelmed me, I had to take a break to let the heat settle down. It even made my ears hurt, which is something I normally only encounter when eating a whole habanero or a good tabasco pepper or something. Something's not right here, when I can cook 3 habs or 10 tabascos in the meat for tacos and experience nothing but a nice, pleasant burn (and a good euphoria). Yet, sliced jalapenos on a pizza can kick my ass? Something's got to be wrong...

Has anyone else noticed any... er, strange, pepper phenomena? Could these peppers really be that hot, or the locally-sold green ones really be that weak? Could allowing them to ripen (they were red and somewhat soft) increase the heat that much?

By the way--about the ears hurting part, does that happen to anyone else? That's one thing that seems to affect me quite often when eating something very hot, yet I never really hear about anyone else having that affect... just the burning... and this is the first time ever it's been caused by a freakin' jalapeno! LOL.
Ears will ring from the heat, nothing to worry about. Fresh grown Jalapenos are notoriously hotter than store bought ones for the most part.
I just got back from a short walk to see if some friends of mine are home. Anyway, I'm still noticing some faint burning on my lips. Man, those are insane for jalapenos! The whole lips-tingling part would have been gone a while ago if the jalapenos were bought from the store.

By the way, I think I'll add that IMO, the better tasting of the two is the Jalapeno M (the Biker Billy was alright, but had more a green vegetable-like taste to it). Biker Billy seemed to be a bit hotter, but really, at those levels... I don't think the amount of heat really matters; there's plenty of it in either variety. Both were good sizes, too. Looks like two varieties I'll continue growing for jalapenos.
B.B. Jalapenos can get pretty hot when home grown, I like them best when they are bright red and made into poppers.
George W.
Ears will ring from the heat, nothing to worry about. Fresh grown Jalapenos are notoriously hotter than store bought ones for the most part.
They sure are amazing how we are fooled into thinking they are so common and meek

B.B. Jalapenos can get pretty hot when home grown, I like them best when they are bright red and made into poppers.
George W.
These are especially good for stuffing they are so large - great to put a shrimp in -- looks like a gun and great tasting
SOme of the best popper variations I've had were in South Padre, TX. They had a shrimp popper, a hushpuppy popper, and a crab cake popper. Just epicness all over.
We all share peppers in the office where I work. My boss grows BB's and his favorite trick is to sneak them into the bags of jap's that I bring in to share. It always makes for a good story the next day!
Yeah, I've had Jalapeno's that put every one down on their seats before. Extreme heat that wasn't pleasant at all, just pain. Then I've had others that should have been hot turn out fairly mild. I just harvested my first and only Yellow 7pod of the summer season and it had hardly any heat to it at all. Great flavor, but about half as hot as an Orange Hab.

I've also grown Anaheim's that peeled the skin off the inside of our mouths when we ate them. Seriously. Pepper went in mouth, got chewed up, heat came on, and then a layer or two of skin seriously started peeling off from our cheeks. It happened to my wife and I, and was very uncomfortable feeling.

peppers just like to throw us a curve ball every now and then to make sure we're paying attention.
I have a bag of XXX Green chile here. Nibbled on a few and they were very mild then the 4th one bam got some good heat. What we do when we cook with it is use a variety of them to get the heat level up. The whole Hot, X, XX and XXX in green chile really is a crap shoot. Hot is definitely not medium or mild but I can't tell the difference between XXX and Hot most of the time. I found the same with Jalapenos some are hot and the next one is like eating a cucumber. (No offense to cucumber lovers out there. heheh)