What the hell are these, and are the causing this?

I've seen these before on my plant's but only in isolation. This morning i spoted 5 of them on one leaf, they are tiny and run quite fast. Are they sucking the life out of my leaf's? 
My initial thoughts are maybe a thrip??
I really need some help with this please :)


Also I've had pod's, leaf's, and flowers dropping like a DJ drops a beat!! I suspected and potassium/ magnesium defficiency and treated my plant's.. 36 hrs ago the leave didn't looks as good as they are looking now...
But then i spot this whilst looking for those little bugs.. :cry:

And some kind of excrement 
 Looks like a green aphid .
Plants look like most of mine after it rains for 28 days straight .
The brown on your stem is nothing . Lots of rain can cause some bacterial issues . Treat with a fungicide . I use 1/2 water 1/2 milk. 
romy6 said:
 Looks like a green aphid .
Plants look like most of mine after it rains for 28 days straight .
The brown on your stem is nothing . Lots of rain can cause some bacterial issues . Treat with a fungicide . I use 1/2 water 1/2 milk. 
Thanks for your input :-) I have been spraying with a copper based spray every 10 days or sofor about 5 week as now...

It hasn't rained for nearly 2 weeks, and they are in a growhouse, so when it does rain they get a fair amount of protection.
They are the wrong shape and size for aphids, also way to fast.. aphids tend to be slow moving things. They're about the size of a spider mite, just more elongated/ cigar shaped.
I'd say the bugs are aphids, as very similar to the ones we had. We released ladybirds into our greenhouse and they dealt with the aphids really quickly. Good luck!
Aphids have many lifecycle stages, including flying in some of them, and it does look much like one of those stages. However, aphid or not, it's a soft-bodied insect, which means ladybugs or green lacewing larvae will eat them. I get beneficial insects from buglogical.com, though you can use any vendor you choose. Note, however, that the ones I got from Hirts one year did not eat aphids at all, so you'll want to get reviews from others if you choose a vendor other than buglogical, if you choose to go the beneficial insect route.
If you say they move fast, I'm inclined to disagree with them being aphids. I've never encountered a fast moving aphid before. They are very slow moving insects. Whatever they are though, I don't believe they are beneficial.
The Chilli Geeks said:
I'd say the bugs are aphids, as very similar to the ones we had. We released ladybirds into our greenhouse and they dealt with the aphids really quickly. Good luck!
Definitely absolutely not an aphid, i know what an aphid is.. they're a big problem when I over winter plants in the conservatory.

The legs of these creatures are at the front, it's body is also somewhat defined from the top half, with a distinct head. They are fast moving, there is no sign of honey dew.. a good indicator of aphids. These unidentified creatures can also stick their rear half upwards... an aphid cannot.

They are tiny and elongated, aphids in comparisons are small and fairly rounded.
compmodder26 said:
If you say they move fast, I'm inclined to disagree with them being aphids. I've never encountered a fast moving aphid before. They are very slow moving insects. Whatever they are though, I don't believe they are beneficial.
Neither have I :D

They (aphids) are slow docile things, makes them easy to squash.
ColdSmoke said:
whatever it is...kill it. 
I agree... 100%
I think it is thrips. I have the same damage to some of my plants and i know for a fact those f*ckers are
flying around my plants. Hows the new growth on the plant? any new leaves with weird growth?
Sorry just getting back to this thread.

Yes I'm sure they are thrips now, I saw a small blackish one crawling on my phone screen, it then reared it's back like the babies but this one opened some wings and flew off. Definitely looked like a picture of a thrip.

Yes I few mangle leafs, that can't be explained with nutrient issues. These leafs are likely to be thrip victims I reckon.

I've decide I won't be spraying my plants though, pyrethrins do more harm then these currently are. Also my grow house is teeming with hoverfly's every evening, and occasionally Bee's & wasps. I've read hoverfly larvae prey on thrips, mites, and aphids, I also saw a lady bug on one of my plants at the weekend :-)