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What the hell is this larva / bug eating my tomato leaves?

At first they were just a nuisance so I picked them off and didn't see any more of them for awhile but we are having a real bad rain period here and the humidity and rain is causing all kinds of problems for my tomatoes so I need to do something about the one thing I can actually control. Please help! 
This is the fella:

Keep seeing them, and I think they spread to another raised bed as well.... they usually leave enough left of leaf to see through, but not pierce it completely ... almost like a net
Diagnosis: either the mexican bean beetle or a cucumber beetle
Prescription: pick and destroy with FIRE  :flamethrower:
...... or I've heard planting rosemary nearby helps too
BT? Blowtorch? How do they spread/breed?
I have picked them and destroyed them... they must leave eggs or something somewhere though because they always seem to return. Can't seem to find them though in my tomato jungle
EDIT: will a hot weather get rid of this problem? should heat up seriously around here in a week or so. rainy a humid at the moment