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What the hell is this?


I was looking over my plants this morning and one of the Dorset Nagas had this critter in one of the flowers...I hope this is a lady bug larvae...do you reckon? The camoflage is perfect, I thought the flower had a deformity or something...I don't think this is a ladybug larvae...any help on identification?

thanks CH...am probably going to send this photo to a "what bug is this" google thing or something...
AlabamaJack said:
I was looking over my plants this morning and one of the Dorset Nagas had this critter in one of the flowers...I hope this is a lady bug larvae...do you reckon? The camoflage is perfect, I thought the flower had a deformity or something...I don't think this is a ladybug larvae...any help on identification?

Hmmm. Come to think of it I believe I have seen that bug before. No wait I definitely have. In the movie Aliens. I am just screwing around hope I didn't get your hopes up with the first half. That thing is nasty looking. I guess you killed it as a preventative measure? Did you see any problems with that plant or did it seem to just be hanging around?
It's not a ladybug larvae. They are black and have red/orange/yellow spots. If that is what I think it is - can't remember their name atm - it's good to have it, it's eating nasties.
I think 99.9% of all the insects you'll find in a garden pose no thread to your plants and it's only natural to have loads of them around, I leave all the critters alone and so far nothing has damaged my plants except for a few tiny holes in leaves that didn't affect the growth or anything.
thats what I was thinking to MM...

I sent a picture of it to Whats that bug online and hopefully will get a response...I have not bothered the bug because of the "pincher" like jaws and I bet they are to catch the "A" bugs....
I don't know the name of this bug but I see those bugs under pots some time when I moving those pots around after watering I put the bleach underneath on ground to kill those critters than I move pots back, find out they are very fast little bastards.Also by moving the pods latter for over wintering make sure to change new soil because you don't want bugs in the house or your spouse will give you hell & I don't blame poor women putting up with all that commotion.
whatever it is is going to be in danger...assassin bug...wonder who would win the fight...the lacewing larvae or the assassin bug....

RichardK said:
Yeah I agree, an earwig which doesnt go into your ear unless you put it there :)

Yeah, that is nothing but a myth, but it's scary how many people still believe this BS! They are good to have around in your garden although - again - most people seem to think they'll destroy your crop or whatever...
My favorite insect has the be the Praying Mantis. Use to see them quite frequently when we were raising tobacco.

The scariest was some kind of a two-headed beast. Each one was about two-two and a half inches long and they were joined at the tail, almost like they were mating. Looked a bit like a dragonfly only not quite as big.
