seeds-germination What to do about white mold on seedlings?

What should I do about this white mold on my seedlings? They are currently in a Tupperware bowl.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Put a fan on them. The fungus may or not be a bad thing. (Some fungi are good for soil and plants, some lead to damping off.) A fan will help keep bad fungi from killing your plants.

Do you simply suggest air movement? Because I can just put them outside for a few hours.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Sprinkle media in peat pots with cinnamon or spritz them with chamomile tea.
Hope this helps!

Thanks, I will give that a shot.
Last year I started dozens of anaheims, they took weeks and weeks to sprout. They finally poked their little heads through a skin of green mold that had formed over the peatpods. No damage, wound up with a bumper crop.

I wouldn't eat that dirt though.....;-)
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Yup. Just be careful with new seedlings if they aren't hardened. They can dry out fast if they're suddenly put in lots of sun or wind or a dry environment.

Yeah, learned that lesson the hard way about a week ago. lol
Usually white fungus is good; yellow, brown, green, or grey is bad. Often you will find this white fungus growing in the roots when transplanting (I see it in bonsai/trees all the time) it helps feed the roots and some bonsai gurus recommend to be sure to scrape some of it in the new medium when you wash out the roots during transplanting.