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What to do with my plants...opinions needed

I have a bunch of plants in pots...7 Pot Brown, SR, Jonah, Trinidad Scorpion, CARDI Yellow, Red Savina, Naga Morich, Bhut red, yellow, and chocolate, and White Bullet. They are just now starting to get buds and flowers and the White Bullet has a ton of pods. A little late in the season, I know. I estimate the first frost could come by October 1st. We had a ton of rain in June along with temps in the 90s with humidity in the same range all through the last half of June and July. I had a bunch of flowers set in the first half of June and have gotten pods from those on other plants but most of them didn't get a chance to set flowers or pods before the weather became bad. So now I have the problem of my plants finally growing and setting buds with only a month left in the season :(

I have a feeling all my plants in ground are screwed and basically a big waste this year. However, I really want to get something out of these plants in pots and plan on bringing them in over the winter to keep them alive for next season so I can get something early on. So the question is, when should I bring them inside? Should they be brought in when night temperatures hit a certain range? 40s? Is it even possible for the plant to stay alive and have the pods ripen just sitting in a window that gets low to moderate light? This is my first year growing so it's all new to me, thanks for any help.
I feel your pain this was my first grow season and have the same dilemma. If you can I would bring them in side and get them under a high watt metal halide or high pressure sodium bulb.
I wish I could do that but I don't have anywhere to, or more problematic, the money to. I live in a one bedroom apartment. Though I guess if I did get one of those it would probably heat the whole place up and I could have the heat off in winter LOL
I start bringing my plants in when it starts getting below 50 at night. I night here and there in the upper 40's doesn't seem to hurt but anything beyond that does.