what to do with peppers?

for last month im eating peppers in different forms - stuffed, hot sauce, grilled, in stew and other dishes, dry & ground them, pickled etc.
many more are ripening and i need some ideas how to process them.
i especially don't know what to do with pasilla, serrano, jalapeno and anaheims so im open to any recomendations.
the anaheims and pasillas I would definitely dehydrate and grind to powder for making your own chile powder...if you add cascabel to those two, that is what I use...and the chile is great with a dark red color...

for the serranos and jalapenos, I suppose you could make puree and can it...
Try smoking the jalapenos and serranos, and maybe roasting the Anaheims. Pasilla are usually best dried, actually the word pasilla means chilaca peppers that are dried
i guess i could dry them. instead of cascabell i may add some cherry peppers. and maybe try to make some salsa. how could i forget about salsa :)