• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

Here we go 2016
Alcara Globe
Black Krim
Carbon Copy
Cherry Dancing With Smurfs
Dixie Golden Giant
Fiaschetto di Mandaria x Cherokee Chocolate
Orange Russian - 117
Paul Robeson
Pink Berkley Tie
Polish Linguisa
Sweet 100
Sweet Ozark Orange
Ten Hung Tan Chieh
Well since my initial post and after more research I have added 14 more varieties:
Australian Oxheart (victory seeds)
Azoychka (tomatofest)
Better Bush F1 (Early Determinate) (park seeds)
Big Cheef (secret seed cartel)
Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant (Bill Best)
Dr. Wyche's Yellow (tomatofest)
Earl's Faux (tomatogrowersupply)
Marianna's Peace (tomatofest)
Pierce's Pride (heritageseeds)
Red Barn (secret seed cartel)
Terhune (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Violet Noir (secret seed cartel)
Willard Wynn (Bill Best)
Yoder's Yellow German (tomatofest)
I am on tomatoville. Took a long time from when I registered to when I became a member. They are not on top of the new membership thing over there.

I try to grow tomatos every year. This past year, I included some tomatillos as well. I typically get about a total of 6-12 tomatos until the local critters eat their first tomato and then the animals get the rest of the tomatos after that.
I don't grow to many varieties as I just don't have the room for very many and I get hit with several different diseases and blights a long with Nematodes, this coming season I will try my hand at grafting various tomatoes like my pineapple tomato for more disease and better production and resistance to nematodes. The climate has been changing the last couple of years which has been really hard on my garden.
I plan to get a much better camera so I can take photos of every thing next year.
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Cherry
Green Grape
Paste Tomatoes
Korean Long
Medium Tomatoes
Green Zebra
Black Zebra
Green Moldovan
Copper River
Large Tomato sandwich size
Gold Medal
Ox Heart Tomatoes
Purple Cherokee Heart
Curtis Cheek
Over Winter
Black Cherry Start/clone form mother plant branch.
"The rest of the plant was dead
Most of my seeds but for the gold medal came form this site http://renaissancefarms.org/
Great lists everyone, I still need to decide on next year, as for this years growing season for me....it sucked!!!!
I belong to T-ville too, i'll see if I can help you join. :)
I was amazed to find that I received 4 freebies along with Pierce's Pride:
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)
Daniel Burson (bunnyhop seeds)
Purple Russian (heritageseeds)
Noah Yates said:
I was amazed to find that I received 4 freebies along with Pierce's Pride:
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)
Daniel Burson (bunnyhop seeds)
Purple Russian (heritageseeds)
A couple of those are new to me, but love Brads black heart and purple Russian. How many plants to you grow Noah?
Well... I have yet to decide just exactly what I want to do...  My primary intention with this grow, aside from the loads of fun, is discover which varieties do well in my local conditions,  seek desirable phenotypes of each of those varieties, and save seeds from those.  So in that sense it would be good form me to grow out decent numbers of each variety.  However, as my grow list increases, its becoming difficult to imagine how I can take care of so many tomato plants regarding the staking and caging.  My main tomato garden this year will be the spot that last years pepper patch was on:
On that plot I have 9 rows 100 feet in length... my most extreme plan would involve there being 50 plants down each row (5 plants each of 10 varieties down each row.)= 450 plants
 450 plants would correspond to 450 tomato cages that I dont have currently.  I am probably going to make my own cages using some cheap source of wire mesh with a large gauge.  My ultimate dream would be to actually run 9x 100 foot fences down the rows as permanent trellis.  Last season I planted a whole bunch of tomatoes in a dense row along my mom's new fence... the tomato plants interwove themselves along the fence perfectly, and it was the most productive tomato patch last year.  If anyone has an idea about how to (relatively) cheaply cage 450 beefsteak tomato plants, please pass it on!  
Yes, I believe so... its described as an indeterminate Amish heirloom red beefsteak from Kentucky with fruits averaging between 1 and 2 pounds.

Also... last night, after more research (which is becoming dangerous at this point) I decided to pick up "one last" variety of tomato: Dester
In addition, Fiogga was extremely generous and sent me some seeds of her favorite varieties.... I will post those when they arrive!!
I found a pleasant surprise in my mailbox today.  Lo and behold 17 new additions to my list courtesy of fellow THP member Fiogga's beneficence:
Captain Lucky
Vera's Seed
Fishlake Oxheart
Dancing with Smurfs
Aunt Gertie's Gold
Berkeley Tie Dye Pink
Gildo Pietroboni
Marvel Striped
Beauty King
Casady's Folly
Croatian Brandywine
Chocolate Stripes
Casey's Pure Yellow
Solar Flare
Purple Bumble Bee
And... Amishland seeds sent me a free pack of "FFA Pineapple Mix" along with purple dog creek.  
So my list is currently resting at 96 varieties. Hahaha  Oh goodness
Hey Noah, a good friend that raises about 1,000 tomatoes a year uses what is called cattle panels held up by steel stakes, they are heavy gauge and will last years and years. I use a smaller amount of panels in my garden and once they are staked in they will hold up against 50 mile a hour straight line winds and they can be cut to make 8ft cages or tied double so that you will have a single line of fencing 9 foot tall that will hold any really tall growing plants, I even use them for my pole beans. you can find them at any livestock feed store. in my photo of me and my grand daughters the plants which were cukes and tomatoes the gages were made from cattle panels that was 8 years ago I'm still using them and they are as strong as the day I made them.
Thats a great method. I certainly want something that will last a long time... I am trying to look for the right balance between quality and cost.
Well... you already knew it...  96 varieties is too close to 100... so to solve that problem I added 4 final genetics from tatiana's tomatoes:
Dwarf Purple Heart
Big Rainbow
Tuxhorn's Red and Yellow
Brandywine Yellow, Platfoot
after 7 years of gardeniing Ive decided the only tomato type i need is Costoluto Genovese.  I may grow early girls just to have earlier fruit but my Costolutos actually fruited first last season.