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chinense What types of Habanero are these???

Has anyone out there got any idea what kind of habaneros these 3 are??


I'll play. You do realize that without knowing the final ripe color, their is certain amount of wild a****s guessing involved.
1. Caribbean Red
2. Congo Trinidad
3. Paper Lantern
Middle looks like a scotch bonnet, last one definitely is a hab (hard to tell exactly until it matures, as to the color)...first is, again, hard to tell until it matures..I'm tending to lean toward MIPEPPERGUY's assessment too...

Funny, but I bought mature (red) versions of these exact same peppers at the local supermarket and was pretty surprised! All are much hotter than the customary orange habs that I was buying...
you need to open an account (free) at www.photobucket.com and from there you can upload any pics on your pc to your own account there. you can then copy and paste the IMG code to any of your topics here. :halo:
How does one upload pics from photobucket? My ignorance is glaring!!! lol!
I use twitpic...photobucket works too. All you really have to have is an online host for your photos...once they are uploaded just right click on them and select "copy image url" then when you post, select the add photo button and past the image url in the space provided.

Try right clicking on one of the pepper photos posted above and you will see the "copy image url" I was talking about...hope that helps.
Justaguy ..... thanks mate... im now on my living room floor in tears!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If this pic is anything to go by then i might encourage the rest of the little buggers to follow suit!!!

I will post a pic as soon as they ripen.... thanks for the feedback..