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health What went wrong lol

Hi ppl I'm new to chili's and got given some seeds! Chucked them in a aeroponics system I made that was growing strawberries in fine infill I got leaf crinkle virus but that's another story!
Anyways heres some pics of what happened to my chili seedlings?

What went wrong?



Hope to here back soon
check your pH
how often do you check your chemistry?

welcome to the asylum

good luck on figuring what is not quite right and try again

make the reservoir lower and the pots deeper?

Hi Nitwit thanks for the reply, Ph was at 5.8-6.0 water temp 21c on tank heater, 250w cfl, root riot media, no nutes?
I don't think it's good to put a young seedling directly under a cfl light or sun whatever. That could be a issue also.
i am new to hydro and i am growing hydro outside and i sprouted my seeds in solo cups with soil, and now they have 2 sets of leaves i pulled them from the soil rinsed off the soil placed them in a medium(not sure what it is as the hydro guy just gave me a few to try) last night and made sure that the water level is high enough to keep them moist, my little guys are already hardened off with just 2 sets of leaves so hopefully they start to thrive i will see tonight when i get home! yours have an over watered look to them.
+1 You might be keeping it toooo wet. Damp is good, but not soaking.

Re above, my seedlings start under a 150w grow light and they seem to like it so I doubt it's that.
I agree with too damp, also seedlings have very fine root hairs and when you transplanted them it probably pulled them off and shocked the bejebuz out of them. Wait until you have a nice solid root mass before transplanting imo.

Bacterial stem rot,or damping off way to much water, let them grow two full set of leaves before moving to larger pot

Nova that picture makes you look like a fine aussie chap ( we know better)
Hi that's root riot media and it's like a sponge with gel crystals in it! They hold water like crazy! I'm thinking it's too much water but didn't know if it was a pest problem?

I'm not going to use root riot cube from now on as they hold too much water and now going to use clay pebbles as I already have them!

So how long should I leave the plants from seed till I put them in the aero? Or do I just put them in and work out how often to set the watering times?

Many thanks to all for replys
Hi that's root riot media and it's like a sponge with gel crystals in it! They hold water like crazy! I'm thinking it's too much water but didn't know if it was a pest problem?

I'm not going to use root riot cube from now on as they hold too much water and now going to use clay pebbles as I already have them!

So how long should I leave the plants from seed till I put them in the aero? Or do I just put them in and work out how often to set the watering times?

Many thanks to all for replys

By clay pellets do you mean 'Hydrotron'? If so, you should start in rockwool or oasis cubes first! Then chuck the cubes in the clay pellet medium.
Regarding watering; if you have your plants covered(?) then you shant need to water that often. Nonetheless, I'd keep an eye on things and figure out exactly how often they start to dry out.
Yeah I mean hydrotron! I was going to start them on a bit of rockwool first but only a pinch off the corner as I have 50mm pots so don't have much room for a whole cube lol