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What will you grow next season?

After having grown a few things this year that I liked and didnt like, i think I will for sure do the following:

Things I grew this year that I loved
-Bonda Ma Jacques (my most favorite pepper)
-Large bonnet or Hab variant from grocery store seed (awesome plants, non stop production and great taste, huge pods, good heat)
-Cayenne (great as my every day pepper)
-Dorset Naga (hottest thing I grew this year)
-Bhut Jolokia (just to say I have it)
-7 Pod (very close in heat to my Dorset but nicer flavour)
-Chocolate Hab (loved the flavour - intense)
-Aji Crystal (my second most favorite pepper)
-NewMex centennial (Mostly for decoration)

Things I grew this year and was like "meh"
-Mustard Hab
-Red Savina (only because my plant and seeds seemed to be weak and barely doing anything)
-Jalapeno (only because they are easy to get anywhere)
-Banana pepper (same as above)
-Thai (same as above)
-Trinidad Scorpion (flavour nothing to write home about IMO and heat which isnt much different than other tastier superhots)
-Naga Morich (seemed a bit larger than the Dorset but a little less heat for me and a bit less taste)
-Golden Nugget (pretty to look at but not as much as the centennial and taste is nothing to write home about)

Things I want to try next year that I have not planted this year
-White Hab
-Purple Serano
Great list. I hope everybody can share their opinions like this with what they grew this year. I will after it cools off and I get some pods to set. Thanks, SVT

Basically, I'm hoping to get a small yard next year.
Still gonna be living in Brooklyn, so space is still gonna be limited, so I'll be doing the 5 gallon container thing again, except this time I'll try to work around making my own soil mix (Pro-Mix + Compost + Sand/Perlite?).

So yeah, my tentative Wish-list for next season goes as follows:

- Habanero (Red) x 2 - Source: Burpee
- Habanero (Orange) x 2 - Source: Saved Seed + Overwintered Plant.
- Fefferona x 2 - Source: Jackie
- Naga Morich x 4 - Source: PRF
- 7 Pot (Brain Strain) x 2 - Source: JR
- 7 Pot (White Hybrid) x 4 - Source: JR
- Habanero (Chocolate) x 2 - Source: GPCP/Ebay
- Fish Pepper x 3 - Source: Tomato Growers
- Big Bomb Hybrid Cherry Pepper x 2 - Source: Tomato Growers
- Caribbean Red x ? - Source: Local Flower Shop

25 Plants is the goal + Whatever I can fit if I end up having soil I can plant stuff in.

I doubt I'll be growing the Ring of Fire Cayennes next year, mostly because I really want to try out a lot of things and I don't know how productive they can be yet since I really started late. Also, I'm sure all but one of my pods are going to be (at least partially) Habanero x Ring of Fire Crosses (Lots of bee activity happening the moment the Ring of Fires started blooming). Orange Habs have been really good to me thus far this year. I've counted around 35 pods on a plant sitting in something that appears to be a 3 Gallon pot, and as I said before, I started really late.
Things I grew this year and loved:
Jamacaican Hot Pepper
Tasmanian Habanero
Bhut Jolokia (also just to have it, lol)
Cayennes, lots of cayennes
Jalapenos, Serranos, Anaheims

Things I didn't like very much:
Peter pepper - major disappointment
Golden nugget - cute but crap
Bolivian Rainbow - not as colorful as expected
Tobago Seasoning pepper - First it had a ton of eat with no flavor, and what flavor it had was kinda nasty.. with habanero level heat to boot.

On the fence:
Pueblo - good for a seasoning. But I have lots of seasoning peppers. The thick, tough skin makes it not fun to just munch on.

Things to grow next year:
I have more than tripled my allotted pepper space for next year... My dogs are losing running space fast.
Dorset Naga
Trinidad Scorps
Aji Limon
Bih Jolokia
Black Prince (good decoration for my patio table)

Namely I plan to research a few milder peppers to make less intense sauces for guests and my fiance who doesn't have the same obsession with heat that I do, lol. But vice versa, I want to explore all the obscure varieties that I have to try at least once.
The Dorset Naga
Th Bhut Jolokia
The Trinidad Scorpian

Hungarian Black
Arji Lemon

I want to get a 7 pot real bad
Things I am growing this year that I will definitely grow next year:

Fatalii - was My Favorite Pepper Ever, but may be eclipsed this year by ...
Costeno Amarillo - competing very well this year for My Favorite Pepper Ever
Aji Limon
Biker billy jalapeno
Italian Roaster II
Jimmy Nardello
Basic red and orange habs

Things I am growing this year that I will definitely not grow next year:

Paper lantern - looks pretty, tastes bad
Red mushroom - looks neat, tastes awful
Polish paprika - not worth the effort
Serrano - $3/pound at the supermarket, why bother
Hottie - advertised as 1/2 the heat, twice the size of an Orange Hab. I say: yep that is right, and what's the point?

everything else - undecided
This is cool I had told myself "like every year" Im gonna cut down the varieties this year Drastically! But now yall are calling out some favorites that I really wanna try! :) Maybe someday I'll narrow it down!..AGHH!
Well........ the one's i'm growing that I will grow next year:
Bhut's-(Love their flavor)
Naga Morich - Loved my current plant
Yellow 7 - ANother option for sauces and cooking
Trinidad Douglah - Another heat inducing monster
White Hab - Want to make a crazy white sauce
Thai's- Love these for everything.
Caribbean Red Habanero - production is great. As well as flavor.

One's that I will grow that I haven't grown yet: Fatalli, Bonda Ma Jacque, Madamme Jeannette, Biker Billy Jalapeno, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, and um.......not sure what else.

Things I will not grow.........Hot Banana, and um........cayenne.
Out of what I grew this season:

Golden Hab - an orange hab, good taste and heat
Caribbean Red - about the same as the golden, a little more heat
Trinidad Congo Black - tasty, Neil stated in his description that they had a passion like flavor. I can't recall a passion fruit flavor but it was pretty flavorful.
Cayenne - everyday pepper I like, destroyed in thunderstorm
Jalapeno - everyday pepper I like, destroyed in thunderstorm
Serrano - destryoed in thunderstorm
Pepperoncini - destroyed in thunderstorm
Scotch Bonnet - tasted better than the golden/orange habs with larger pods
Hot Cherry - enjoyed, but readily available at my foodstore, won't grow again.
Hot Banana - meh, it was the earliest to set peppers. No real flavor.
Tabasco - lots of peppers on the plant. My final harvest will enable my first attempt of making a hot sauce.

Growing in Hydro atm:

7pod "SR"
T.S. Morouga

Growing in potting mix atm:
African Birdseye - strong desire to create my own Peri Peri sauce
Jalamundo - I really want to make poppers wrapped in bacon

Things I'll germinate in February:

Bonda Ma Jacques
Yellow 7pod
Brain Strain
Chocolate Hab
Big Sun Hab
Lemon Drop
good thread for planning...here is my plan for next year...


Rocotto Rojo -- favoritenesseses of all time
Yellow 7
Barack 7
Dorset Naga
Hot Banana
Hot Cherry - everyday eats I pickle lots of dese
Plastic Nips

I had a horrible germination this season not sure what went wrong some germinated a lot didnt

I want to grow as well

Bonda Ma Jacques - on the hunt for seeds
Sport Peppers
Italian Frying peppers
Paprika - on the hunt for seeds

a must every year

Dorset Naga - love the heat
Hot Cherry - love them pickled/stuffed with a few beers

havent tried the 7's yet probably grow them again
The ones I will surely grow again:
Orange Habanero (May be "boring" but still love the taste and smell)
C. frutescens "Piquin" (Nope this one is not an annuum)
Aji Cito (Great flavor,productivity, and disease and insect resistance)
Thai Hot
Fatalii (Beautiful and tasty but can only eat them if I am staying home the next morning...)
Tobago Seasoning (Seems quite variable but the ONE I have this year has great strong fruity flavor and was a little hotter than expected=OK)
Serrano (My wife loves these!)

What I will probably try next year:
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon Drop
Goat Weed

What I won't grow again for sure:
Chile de Arbol (I think it was much too wet here for them, and they were very susceptible to BLS)
Cascabella (Again too wet, and very very susceptible to BLS)
Trupti (unreliable heat level(hardly any this year!), but good flavor, hopefully my wife won't notice that these are missing next year...)

*There's a bunch more I am growing this year that I still don't know if I will grow again.
It has been cold this year in my area. I am just now starting to get peppers ripe, which is super annoying :hell: Currently I have

"Del Diablo" which very well is Goat Weed - My favorite favorite
Serrano - Eating one right now with lunch
Pasilla - Did someone say Pizza?
Jalapeno - Delicious when you grow them, more spice than the store
Red Carribean - Not tasted, pods set
Orange Hab - Not tasted, pods set
Cayenne - no heat yet, but they will soon
Pepperoncini - the texture is foul, the skin in rubbery and I wouldn't wish this pepper on anyone. Maybe I did something wrong, but they are bad raw and bad pickled. Don't harvest them red
De Arbol - great pepper, great flavor, great heat
Piquin - just blossoms right now

I will grow them again next year and would love to find seeds for:

7 Pot
Some of the Aji's
Bonda Ma Jacques
Purple Jalapeno

I love heat and love flavor more. All the peppers that I grow I want to have a purpose in my cooking, so I am not really looking for Extreme heat without any flavor. That be the reasoning behind the choices. I just hope to be able to harvest peppers here soon, stupid cold weather. It is noon and 68* here right now.
i have 3xspanish spice pepper,3xinferno pepper,3xserranos,3x mucho nacho and 3x habaneros all have alot of flowers and pod very productive except the habaneros no pods yet only flowers.for 2011 i will have lot of super hot all the different bhut lot of 7-pot and the scorpion red and yellow,fatalli yellow and red and lot of other superhot.
Planning on...

Trinidad Scorpion
Bonda Ma Jaques
Bhut Jolokia
7 Pod
Jalapeno (because grocery stores don't carry red ones)
Hot Cherry

Not sure what else, list is still is progress. :D