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What's on your grow list this spring?

What's Amba? Even google doesn't know! Shawarma rocks.

Beets were really easy to grow. The leaves taste best when smaller, but if you let the leaves get big, then the bulb gets big... The gold variety tasted best grilled.

Do you think I can get fined by the city if I plant some super hots in my front yard garden (it gets all the sun) and people pick them, eat them and get hurt?
Nice! I even searched wikipedia specifically. I suck.

I've had achar before, many times. Tasty stuff. I've never even considered it on shawarma. That'd be interesting.

One day I will build a shawarma cooker in my kitchen.
I had an entire setup a while back. bought the equipment from a place that used to sell it.

Shawarma is like one of the best things one could imagine. it's more than food... it's like really good sex!
Hey Omri I want one too, but I know I'd be hypnotised by spinning meat:)
How do you season and prepare the meat for the "cone" and do you think its possible to make on a bbq with an infrared burner?
Hey Omri I want one too, but I know I'd be hypnotised by spinning meat:)
How do you season and prepare the meat for the "cone" and do you think its possible to make on a bbq with an infrared burner?
Well there's a mix of spices I used to buy by the name of "Shawarma Spices". never looked what's in it, but could find out if you want. no problemo. anyhow, you take slices of meat (preferably mutton/lamb, but some use turkey), spice them up with the mix and put them on the pole. every now and then put a slice of mutton/lamb fat (even if you use turkey... that's where the flavor comes from), and keep stock them up. close it up with some more fat at the top and let it cook for a bit. as soon as the outer layer is ready, slice some and enjoy. it'll keep cooking while you're eating. GREAT FOR PARTIES! could send ya the spice mix if ya want.
I already started a few a bit early. Hope they don't overwhelm me before I can give them more space. But I was sooo curious and impatient...:oops:

Cayenne (first flower opened today)
Rocoto canario and red
Habanero red, orange, white, chocolate
a few hab type chinenses not defined more precisely
Thai Bird Chili (Rat's Turd?)
Turkish Pepperoni
Lemon Drop
Aji Pineapple
Thai Red Chili
7 Pot
Bhut jolokia
some sweet peppers

Did I forget some? I already have more seedlings than I can grow plants in my yard. I will grow them in pots. It's my first year of growing peppers (last years fooling around doesn't count) and I will choose after tastin my harvest what to grow next year. Maybe 2010 I will have less varieties with more plants each.

I will grow a few maters including the Cherokee Purple and I already started a few Physalis peruviana seeds.
Here's what I've got going so far and the number of seeds started:

Fatalii x 4
7 pot x 11
Chocolate Fatalii x 4
SBS Fatalii Hybri x 4
Trinidad Scorpion Morogua x 4
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet x 4
Naga Morich x 5
Bhut Jolokia x 16
Chocolate Habanero x 3
Red Savina x 8
Trinidad Scorpion x 5

I figure I'm about one third done. I am so psyched this year.
Punta Banda tomato
Garlic chives
Bulls Blood beets
Menegi Japanese bunching onion
Aichi Chinese cabbage
Mini Sweet carrots
San Juan Pueblo tobacco
Holy Basil, Krishna

peppers- :hell:

Trinidad Douglah
Bhut Jolokia
7 Pot
7 Pod Jonah
Trinidad Scorpion
Naga Morich
Chocolate Habolokia
Devils Tongue
Thai Dragon
Charleston Hot
Pusa Jwala
Aji Brazilian Starfish
Aji Chinchi Amarillo
Aji Angelo
Inca Red Drop
Roumanian Rainbow (sweet)
Orange Rocoto
Yellow Wax
Early Jalapeno
Chicken Heart
Thai Sun
San Juan Tsile
Big Jim
Barkers Hot
These are just what I have started so far, Oh and 30 Fatalii's. Don't have a list yet of the vegetables.


"She who must be obeyed" caught my growing virus and wants some strawberries. Resistance is futile, even a valid excuse such as "But Linda, I don't have room for them."

Enter strawberries that grow in containers and produce from mid-spring to mid-fall. So add 30 feet of Yellow Wonder and Red Wonder strawberries to my list. These will be hanging baskets, I think.
