What's the Goat's weed like?

Besides giving you the munchies so bad, it makes you want to eat a tin can?:lol:

But seriously, how is the flavor of the goat's weed chile? Is it an "eat me fresh" kinda flavor, or does it make a great powder?

Also, how's the flavor when black? Is it like a green chile?

Got some seeds I'm thinking of starting, and need someone to help me pull the trigger...
The taste is not there really. It has all the spicey heat you want but does not exhibit any flavour that i am aware of. I have it in my soup every other day. As for the black ones, wait there i'll taste one for ya.... Hmmmmm, got a bit of heat there but is very bitter to start off. I had a munch on a green one the other day and it was bloody hot.

These things produce like mad and aparantly can last through winter too.
Now the heat has hit my gut :P_
I say plant ONE, thats all you will need.
Now the back of my tounge and lips are copping it, showing us that the black ones taste real bitter to start but can still blow your head off.

Edit: Doesn't taste like a green chilli to me.

*End of impromtu review*
You should pull the trigger solely cause it's an awesome plant in its on right. It's cold tolorant and looks like sex on a stick....

But sadly in my experience it's not the best chilli for flavour at any stage. For me and I know Tony05 feels the same, It has a slightly sour/bitter flavour that's not great fresh off the plant and it is horrible in the black stage....don't even go there...:lol:

It is good for adding big heat to a already strong flavoured meal or for helping to add heat to sauces, but IMO you would want other chillis in the sauce as well to try and help keep the sour/bitter flavour at bay.

When I say 'sour/bitter', I don't mean it's horrible. It's just not the nicest tasting chilli out there....
Nova, thanks for the review! I love the looks of the plant, so even if I only use the chiles to dry for ristras around the house and for friends, I think it's worth the garden space. I've been thinking about working them into the landscape with some flowers and such.

moyboy said:
You should pull the trigger solely cause it's an awesome plant in its on right. It's cold tolorant and looks like sex on a stick....

Cold tolerant and looks like sex on a stick huh? So it's sorta like Bettie Paige in a parka meets Vlad the Impailer?

This I must have.....:hell:

Thanks guys!
wait ill they turn red.  Better flavor than when they are black or green.  Over winters really well too. I have had mine for two seasons now.
Are they slow to grow like the supers?
I've got some planted but started them late. Didn't know if I'll get pods this year or not
I think they're a really cool looking plant, and like Mill said they grow faster than anything else I grow other than chiltepins. 
millworkman said:
Dudes, for realz... This is a 4 year old thread.  Sushi dude you should know better  :P
These things grow crazy fast, enjoy them.
Sometimes a bit too much of the non-goats weed and you forget what year it is.