Ate a Trinidad Scorpion recently and it was agonising, very very intense hit, up there with the hotter chocolates (which I have always found hotter than Red Savina and better flavored) and the Naga...Boy you guys are just going to love the Naga's!! LOL.
Funnily the biggest effect I have had from a whole raw pepper, was some sort of caribbean hab I found on the Fulham Saturday market in 1988...that one burnt like satans slippers and went through my body literally within five mins....it could have been treated in some way though...as I have never had such a bad ride frrom a chile. Most embarrasing as I bought them, then went to a cafe for a coffee and could not resist chomping into one to try......fifteen mins on the throne and looked bloody awful afterwards, my new girlfriend of the time pissed herself laughing.
On the Naga conroversy..I never really understood the problem as the chiles were available in the UK, (my first experience with them being in a Bangladeshi restaurant down in Crystal Palace in 1997) and having grown a lot of hot peppers I have always considerezd them to be as hot as they go...although I feel that there are quite a few potential record breakers out there!!!! Most of which no one has had the temerity to trade mark.....
Roll over Red Savina...its your turn to double up and cry...LOL. Not that its a bad pepper, far from it!!! Just quite a few others I prefer for both heat and flavor.....
All the best