What's the weirdest thing you've made with your peppers?

"What's the weirdest thing you've made with your peppers?"
"Made" my old boss cry and seek medical attention once and not how most would think.
He had his own private bathroom at work complete with shower and his own favorite scented TP that my staff had to clean, plunge etc 3 times daily.  I had my reasons so I "may" have sliced open a few ultra hots and wiped them carefully onto the sides of his TP roll one morning.  He was very regular in his visits to his thrown.  Took almost an hour for him to call 911.  Very funny to enjoy from our point of view.
Ají hombre said:
Fatalii-durian milkshake; candied nagas; habanero simple syrup for lemonade. All three of these are bomb!
If you can actually eat durian, then you, my friend, are in a league of your own!   :crazy:
But the candied chiles and simple syrups are wonderful!  I made some candied habaneros, and had some syrup left after packing the candied chiles in small jars, and I couldn't stand to throw it out.  So I just saved it.  It's been used in stir fry type dished and worked great.  Making lemonade with the simple syrup is an awesome suggestion.
Durian the only thing Andrew Zimmern won't eat, it's banned from transport on commercial airlines and other public transports, also called "Stinky Fruit"....has been described as 'smells like death..."   That should give you an idea~~~~ :sick:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE making homemade waffles with crumbled bacon and diced habs in the batter then top with some of Wicked Mike's sunshine state syrup!!!!!!!!!! Dddaaaaaammmmmmmm firing on all cylinders!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE making homemade waffles with crumbled bacon and diced habs in the batter then top with some of Wicked Mike's sunshine state syrup!!!!!!!!!! Dddaaaaaammmmmmmm firing on all cylinders!!!!{style_image_url}/attachicon.gif images-14.jpeg

making waffles! just reminded me to feed the starter ...
SavinaRed said:
I've used a sweet/hot sauce on my pancakes and made a peanut butter/ hot sauce sandwich with the same sauce that I used on my pancakes. It was good !
I have made peanut butter and jelly with powders / ground peppers.  It is delicious.  I love that sweet hot combo.  
salsalady said:
Durian the only thing Andrew Zimmern won't eat, it's banned from transport on commercial airlines and other public transports, also called "Stinky Fruit"....has been described as 'smells like death..."   That should give you an idea~~~~ :sick:
don't go by Zimmern. He's a bit of a wuss and can't stomach a lot of delicious stuff--like funazushi and balut. Durian's smell is part of the appeal, but if you want a very accessible introduction, go with frozen, seedless durian (some Asian stores have it), and blend it with milk (and fatalii powder!).
westin said:
I have made peanut butter and jelly with powders / ground peppers.  It is delicious.  I love that sweet hot combo.  
I second that... I have a crunchy peanut butter sandwich (no jelly) with a healthy dusting of super hot powders quite often for lunch.
Another delicious combo is super hot powders in Greek yogurt. I prefer passion fruit, blood orange, or blackberry Greek yogurt and experiment with the different types of hot powders.
texas blues said:
Like takin' a hot redhead upstairs to your bedroom and treatin' her like a sister.
I'll leave the Ozarks and Appalachian sister remark alone. ;)
Wierd things with peppers?
Nothing I would consider "Wierd".
With chocolate? Yup.
With hi-test booze? Yup.
Mixed a bit with Aspercream and Ben Gay? Yup.
Flakes or pepper salt on almost every edible? Yup.
Artistic plating with crackers and Gouda? Yup.
In coffee? Yup
In bottled water? Yup.
Havent attempted a ferment yet, but will be making a quart of sauce today with a load of winter harvest indoor pods saved in a jar of vinegar and liquified, with some cumin, fresh onions and garlic.
And whatever other herbs and spices catch my fancy in the moment.
An idiot friend thought it would be funny seeing that we used a insect lamp inside a big tent during hunting/fishing trips. apparently he had pre-made the mix in the weeks leading up to a fishing trip. it was horrible, to put it lightly. he was also guilty of rubbing some fresh cut superhots around the ring of everyones beers prior to giving a 'toast' minutes after previously mentioned event. 
Ají hombre said:
don't go by Zimmern. He's a bit of a wuss and can't stomach a lot of delicious stuff--like funazushi and balut.
Haha, to be honest I would eat durian again though if you seriously like funazushi.. step it up a notch and eat a can of Hákarl or Surströmming (and finish it). Both are banned from commercial flights as well. With a bit of fatalii powder of course.

My (for you guys) weirdest thing was probably Leberknödelsuppe. Don't bother googling.
Van said:
Hmmmm Red Jalapeno puréed with can of peaches mixed into cheesecake mix
Had A nice savoury after twang
You know, that sounds like it would totally work!  It's funny how we can talk about food flavors and have a feeling of what they would taste like.  I guess it's all those descriptive Throwdowns coupled with knowledge of chile flavors that makes it work.  The other one that sounds like it would totally work was the fatalii pecan pie.  Rocketman has made fatalii bourbon apple butter that was delicious and I can see a similar flavor profile with the fatalii pecan pie.   
Pfeffer said:
My (for you guys) weirdest thing was probably Leberknödelsuppe. Don't bother googling.
Well then....start talking!   You can't leave us hangin' like that..... 
(liver-noodle-soup...am I close???)
Edit- HAH!!!!   Just googled it and I'm Darn Close!!!!!  :rofl:   Liver DUMPLING Soup!!!!!
Haha nothing wrong with it. Though I know most Americans don't eat organ meat. I don't think you would like it when you knew what you were eating, though I think most people would like it when they didn't know what they were eating. It's not a overpowered taste/smell like fried liver.

We eat quite some organ meat here. Beef tongue, heart, pig lungs, kidneys, liver, chicken stomach, hearts, livers.. Though mostly old people eat it.

I'm not really a fan of lungs, kidneys and liver.. But there's nothing wrong with tongue, stomach and heart - it's muscle meat. I really habe no clue why Americans don't use those. Those all end up in burgers and hotdogs anyway.