What's this Brown Stuff?

Hey you all!  Two quick questions I was hoping someone could help me with:
1)  I've included a pic below of some brown patches I'm seeing on a few of my plants.  Was hoping there was a natural fix for it.  Any ideas?
2)  Its not easy to see from the pic, but when I repotted them a couple months ago I was low on soil and didn't fill the pots up all the way.  Can I just add a couple of inches of new soil around the stem or will that rot the part that is above the ground?  Just asking because when I repotted them they sat kind of low in the soil already and have a few leaves close to ground.
Thanks in advance for any help!
That's some sort of disease bro.
But don't just take my word for it, here's what other people are saying about your brown spots....
*Disclaimer: I am not a grower. I don't know what I am talking about. In no way is this advise recommended to take seriously. Rest assured, other people much smarter than me will surely be in here telling you what it is, and what you can do about it.
Lack of magnesium is characterized by discoloration of leaf tissue between veins, which remain green.There is a thread here in which folks are using a calcium/magnesium supplement. Hope this helps :) Also make sure to check for any pests on the stem and leaves to rule that out.
juanitos said:
looks like you got water on them and they got burned in the sun. 
plant looks pretty healthy otherwise?
Yes they do thanks.  Something put a few holes in the leaves a while ago, but fortunately a couple little spiders moved in and took care of whatever that was.
Is it OK for me to add a couple inches of dirt or will it damage the plant if I cover up a leaf or two that are low on the stem?
You can add more soil without any issue, just snip off the lower leave sets below the rim. When you say spiders, do you mean spider mites?
Voodoo 6 said:
You can add more soil without any issue, just snip off the lower leave sets below the rim. When you say spiders, do you mean spider mites?
Oh, sorry, I'm really new to this.  No, it was just some kind of little wolf spiders or something.  Shortly after I saw a few holes in the leaves there were some spider webs and a few little spiders in there and the holes stopped.
Voodoo, that article has to be wrong. I once asked if folks took a towel and hand dried plants after a summer shower and was told that their plants did burn from the water droplets. Either their sun is different or that "scientific" article is wrong... :confused:
Its in the science section not the science fiction section of the paper:

A team of physicists, troubled by the lack of scientific evidence for the phenomenon, set out to test the theory that water droplets on leaves can act like mini magnifying lenses, focusing the sun's rays and leaving a leaf's surface covered in scorch marks.

Using computer modelling as well as tests on real leaves, the researchers claim to have disproved the theory.
Pretty sure they wouldn't have any reason to fake those test.
Hard to say, haven't looked into that one lol. All throughout farming areas in the us, you always see farmers watering during the day. Dont see too many drying off the leaves hehe