What's this?

I got home from work this morning and my dear chili plants were fine. I went to bed and woke up about 6 hours later and find this:

It's only on one plant and not all leaves have it, I'd say maybe 40% has it or shows symptoms of it. It's always on the edges of the leaves.
My initial guess is sunburn, but is it really?
Not sunburn.   Sunburn turns the edges of leaves light brown or white.
It looks more like bacterial leaf spot or another similar disease.
Are these plants indoors?
Yes they are indoors.
The only thing that's changed in the last 8-9 hours is that I put two new plants on the same windowsill as the affected plant. Those plants were trades that I got from a co-worker.
Can't really see them being the culprit though since no other plants on the same windowsill are showing the same symptoms.
Phil said:
Have you cleaned the windows recently? Maybe some window cleaner overspray ?
Nope, haven't cleaned them since I moved to this apartment (6 months ago).
It's quite strange that it came out of nowhere when there's been no changes recently apart from the new plants that moved in. But they can't possibly be the cause if it is bacteria, they weren't even standing next to the affect plant.
Yeah, I figured that was a long shot... just trying to eliminate possible causes. Not sure what that could be, but it should recover just fine.

I'd pluck the leaf and keep an eye on it
Thank you for your opinion. :)
I've isolated the plant so it won't spread, if it can spread.
But you're probably right, it will recover just fine and I'll strongly consider plucking the affected leaves.
Ohjay said:
Thank you for your opinion. :)
I've isolated the plant so it won't spread, if it can spread.
But you're probably right, it will recover just fine and I'll strongly consider plucking the affected leaves.
lol... kinda ballsy of me to say, huh? Don't know what it is, but screw it! It's fine! lol. Good luck. I hope someone can help you find a more conclusive diagnosis. Someone here should be able to point you in the right direction with it.
One of the things I learned pretty quickly from my plants is that they are way more resilient than you'd think. They will bounce back from a lot of things :)
Hopefully a few more THP:ers will chime in with their opinions as well.
Yes, they are VERY resilient. I don't baby mine at all. I pretty much just let them do their thing and don't sweat it when they have a few funky leaves or start shedding. They always recover.
don't be afraid to pluck a leaf or 2 or even top it , one of my peach bhut s.s. had gotten a bacterial infection ended up cutting the plant down to a stub ( way back in early feb.) i isolated treated the soil with neem . now its bushed out and bigger than some of the others and loaded with pods !      :onfire:
That's actually the first thing I consulted Spicy ;)
I haven't used anything other than water & ferts on the plants. Ferts were administered by bottomfeeding. I've used the ferts before so I'm quite sure they aren't the cuplrit.
Today when I woke up after work I found that another two plants are showing the same symptoms, just not as much as the first plant. These two new victims were standing next to the first plant, if that matters.
I wonder if there was something lying dormant in the soil or if somehow the plants were infected by something when I last watered them, but if it's the latter I suppose all plants should show signs of it.