spysee Apr 7, 2014 #6 Damn I always thought it was Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Brain Strain. But I guess that would have been TSMBS
Damn I always thought it was Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Brain Strain. But I guess that would have been TSMBS
swellcat Apr 8, 2014 #8 It's nice when folks define terms at least once a thread. Some posts look like an industrial spill of alphabet soup.  AACT EWC FFOF ISO MYCO SS YT Click to expand...  A chile-specific acronym key/Urban Dictionary would be helpful.  Â
It's nice when folks define terms at least once a thread. Some posts look like an industrial spill of alphabet soup.  AACT EWC FFOF ISO MYCO SS YT Click to expand...  A chile-specific acronym key/Urban Dictionary would be helpful.  Â