What's up with my serrano?

I'm not terribly concerned with being organic. I use a lot of organic stuff, but am perfectly willing to use non-organic stuff when the job calls for it (I've been at war with creeping charlie in my yard, I've been hitting it with some nasty chemicals). 
half - this was just sort of an experiment. I should test the pH, but don't really have the tools at the moment (I need to resolve that). The idea was that maybe I'd get stronger roots in the coco. The perlite is there to help with compaction, and I was hoping the amendments would provide all of the nutrients that I needed. I have some other plants directly in the dirt in the garden, and a couple others in a DWC deploy, so we'll see how they do. If it doesn't work out, or if it's too much of a hassle, next year I'll just mix the coco into the garden and everything will just go into dirt.
I didn't put it into the ground due to space concerns, only so much space for peppers. 