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health What's wrong here?

I seem to be getting crinkled leaves on the plants I've purchased. I've treated for aphids with neem oil and gave them a treatment of epsom salt solution for calcium def. The new growth is still coming in strange. An this is my chocolate hab. It seems to be effecting my choc bhut's the same way. Is this just the way these types grow? Pics below



Sorry pics ain't the best. An thanks
im no expert but usually the leaves come out messed up like the big one at 8 oclock because they are eaten by whiteflies or aphids when they are small. as for the newer growth it looks like the plant may need some nitrogen. just my thoughts i would get a 2nd opinion of course, since i'm jsut an idiot.
Epsom salts give calcium? Mine jus give magneisum. Check to make sure because i think it might be over watering or calcium definicency or bugs. Watch it the next couple of days for insects.
Thanks for the input. When I got them home I found aphids on them. An started neem oil treatment then to ortho insecticidle soap spray. It's been almost a month an still not growing and looking the same.
All that was needed is a light spray of calmag, Watch the watering, and like Prehensile said it will bounce back
If you cant find cal/mag try blossem endrot spray (calcium chloride) fertilome makes a good mix and a little epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate )dissolve in hot water put in a spray bottle. foilar feed them babies twice a week at dusk (when foilage pores are open). Dont over due the epsom use like 1/2 a tbs per spray bottle full, take two asprin and let me know in the morning......grrRr arrrggGG ZoMbiE
Residual toxin perhaps?

I don't know much about aphids but I do believe their saliva is toxic to plants. My mite affected plants always seem to carry residual toxin which can affect new growth for some time even after the mite itself has been eradicated.

Of course, that's assuming aphids (or possibly other pests) are the cause. Did you actually spot any of the little bastages?
Thanks all. Hope they do bounce back. An yes did actually spot several aphids on the plants after getting them home. Have some blossom end rot will try that slowly. Don't wanna over due things all at once.
Yea ment that. Still new to all this and get confused quiet a bit. Reading to much every where. Would it be possible to mix epsom and blossom end together and have sort of a calmag solution? Or would that cancel each other out?
Why are you trying to make cal mag? Too give it to the plants in the picture? If so, that's not how you remedy aphids. Besides, your plants aren't deficient in calcium, mag, iron, N, sulphates, or anything else. They look well fed. There are no symptoms of any deficiency in these pictures...only aphid damage. Have fun !
Just to have on hand if needed in the future. Can't seem to find all these things talked about on here localy. Except for online, and I've spent enough on this first years start that route already. Lol Am going to treat with pyrethrin for aphids "if that's how you spell that" Started them on that with a soaking two nights ago.
An yes did actually spot several aphids on the plants after getting them home.

In that case, as long as you effectively took care of the aphids, the plants should grow out of it soon enough.

Apart from maybe another aphid treatment in a few days to catch any eggs that may have hatched, I would leave the plants alone for now. Playing around too much with plants can be detrimental in itself too.