health Whats wrong with my peppers? How do I fix?

Hey All 
Went away for a 9 day vacation and came back to find all of my pepper plants looking gnarly and sickly looking. Is this mites or herbicide damage or something. I ordered some azamax to spray just in case it is aphids
Most likely aphids, they go for the top new growth thr most, look under the leaves, you should spot some. The way the leaves look should be aphid damage.
Hit them with some Miracle Grow tomato
Let them work it out (they will)
After 4-5 days reacess your postion
Its people that make growing difficult
MG tomato is very under rated for more trendy methods.
I dont really care for it myself but when things go sideways it generally works great.

Its been a cure all for several years after I tecomended it to said users.

Work together and learn better things
If this were pesticide/herbicide damage what are the chances it would outgrow this? I asked a grower for a local produce company what he thought the problem was and he thinks it is 24-d or par 3 damage not mite issues. At this point I am debating ripping out my entire crop due to everything being stunted and affected.
Your leaves looked how mine did, when i had tomato russet mites on my peppers.

Honestly, i had to move to get rid of them. A neighbor had morning glory that harbored them.
The plants are still small enough to strip and top
Easy to do and works great
Look around the forum many here do it
So strip the new growth and maybe hit them with some azamax once it arrives to try and put any pests at bay? I also have some miracle grow tomato food that I will mix up and use to try and boost them along.
I pruned off all of the growing tips and any suckers that had weird leaf growth at lunch time. Some of the plants had some peppers still hanging so I left a few for now to see how things progress. In a bit of a heat wave here until friday so will hit them with some fertilizer on the weekend
Took everyones advice and topped/stripped/pruned all of my plants and they all seem to be recovering except my tepin x lemon drop.
Aji Amarillo bouncing back

Bahamian Goat

White Habanero

Leaves starting to curl again on the tepin x lemon drop
Thanks, hoping to have some pods before the middle of august if all goes well. This whole bed is full of peppers I have never had before so getting a bit anxious. Excited for the Aji varieties man those are some vigorous plants. Hit all of my peppers and eggplants again last night with some azamax and insecticidal soap cocktail to try and keep the mites at bay. Will continue to spray every 4-5 days to keep things under control.
The trend is slow to catch on but it indeed works.
I skin mine down when they get about a solid foot tall.
Yes,perfectly healthy and they still get stripped and topped.
Kinda piss's them off because they come on very strong and grow like crazy.
Pod heavy to where I have to support branchs to keep them from breaking under load.

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