seeds What's Wrong with My Seedling... slowly dying.

This one is a Cumari Pollux.  Several times my seedlings hit the wall and then wilt away.  I was hoping by getting that third leaf it would survive.  The soil is  moist and I gave it a shot of diluted B1.  Any ideas on how to save it?  I have two seedlings of Cumari and both seem to be doing rather poorly. These things take a month to germinate so I don't want to lose it. TIA.
Sorry about your babies. I use hydro guard on all my waterings. I only hear good reviews on this stuff. I hear it helps with damping off. Last year I had lost about 4 plants all to damping off. I wish I was using it last year.
seedlings supply all their own nutritional needs, all they need is light and a little bit of water.  my guess would be its too wet. for seedlings the substrate should be like a rung out sponge.
Going to also add on here because I think mine are also getting weak. So my first few seedlings are doing awsome like bellow:

But then I have a few like in the picture bellow where they kinda seem stuck. The soil is definetly damp and they get good amount of sun light as you can see from above. My questions is, is this normal or something is definitely going wrong?
Lovepepper ID the problem as damping off. I applied some cinnamon to my soil as I read it has anti fungal properties.

Bman look into damping off remedies.
I-d recommend more light and airflow. If you keep them covered with plastic cover, don't, it doesn't really help, at least I've got much better results without it. While they germinate, you can keep them covered, but as soon as they poke out, they need some fresh air too. 
bman900 said:
Going to also add on here because I think mine are also getting weak. So my first few seedlings are doing awsome like bellow:
they look fine, you cant rush mother nature.  when something goes wrong its generally pretty obvious. get a seed mat if you want to speed them up a bit.
chiltepin said:
Lovepepper ID the problem as damping off. I applied some cinnamon to my soil as I read it has anti fungal properties.

Bman look into damping off remedies.
dampening off is caused by fungus but the root cause is too much moisture.  Theres no dampening off on these plants its obvious when there is the stem turns white then brown and withers
I've used chamomile tea to help with damping off also. I agree with Tarzan. The tabasco look a bit long and could use stronger light. Airflow. A small fan does wonders.