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health whats wrong with these leaves?

I moved my plants inside about 2 months ago now. these plants were super healthy and doing awesome outside on my deck all summer and after about 3 - 4 weeks in my basement they started going bad. The bottoms of the leaves started getting crystal looking bumps on them which I determined looked like edema from my research. I added a fan and dehumidifier and it seemed to clear them up a little but not 100%. I then decided to do a foliage spray with epsom salt because the leaves looked like they were lacking magnesium. I obviously followed the wrong advice and mixed 2 table spoons in a quart and completely drenched the leaves, top and bottom... the next morning after drying all the leaves had dried up salt looking spots all over them and about 3 days later they were shriveling up, getting burnt tips and falling off. I have been spraying them with pure RO water about 3 times a day and the salt has washed off but some of the leaves still look pretty rough and the plants have not been growing new foliage much at all. They are still flowering and putting out peppers tho so they haven't completely shut down. they get Age old bloom organic fertilizer on schedule with recommended dose. someone on another forum said I should do a foliage spray with kelp. 

that is a picture a couple days after the spray and how the leaves looked as the fell off.

that is a week before the spray and you can see the bumps on the tops of the leaves and how the new foliage has a light green color and fades into the healthy looking green.

That is the potted Dragon Cayenne 2 weeks after I moved it into the basement.

that is about 2 months in and a couple days after the spray. you can see all the little bumps under the leaves.

and there is my basement so far. 600 watt HPS, dehumidifier and fan. It isn't the prettiest so far, I'm planning on epoxying the floor, venting the light out because it gets about 87 degrees in there and possibly putting a sealant on the drywall to keep the moisture from building up and creating molds and pests. when its done it should look pretty clean and hopefully the plants will be healthier.
so anyone that sees any problems there let me know what you think and let me in on any suggestions  on things you think I should do or change.
Edema and yellowing caused by over-wet conditions, plus fertilizer burn. Just give them plain water for a couple of weeks. If you are soil-feeding and foliar feeding it is too much. You can alternate, but don't do both at the same time. 
I water just as much as I did when they were outside, until about 2inches deep of the soil is dry. I brought the dehumidifier in because without it my humidity was 63 so I thought maybe the high humidity was causing it. It sits at 40 now and the edema isn't as bad as it was before. I moved some seedlings a week ago from my house into the basement, about 6inch tall now and they were doing great in my house but within that one week the leaves are starting to get that bumpy texture now too... I can't figure out what it is with that room. I have pretty much got all the conditions the same as every where else but they just don't seem to like the basement! I have only foliar fed once in there entire life. when I was talking about spraying them 3 times a day I meant just with pure RO water trying to wash off the salt build up and thinking maybe they would absorb that clean water and help them get rid of all the extra epsom salt. should I not be spraying with water that often? I just figured since it rains out side a couple days straight misting down the leaves often wouldn't hurt them.

also, the one plant has about 25 ripe peppers on it. If I cut those off will it give the plant more energy to heal up? I like to leave them on as long as I can because I love the way it looks but if it is robbing my plant of needed energy to recover I will take them off.
An oscillating fan is preferable to a box. If the floor is cool, I would think about raising them off. There isn't much you can do beyond wait for them to recover, I don't believe pruning the fruit off will speed it up at all. I aim for around 60 RH, especially with high day temp.