health What's wrong with this Bhut?

This is one of my older seedlings, it was doing really well and then just halted completely and started turning really dark and shiny after forming one leaf.  It hasn't made any progress in probably 3 weeks.  What should I do?  I was thinking about pitching it since I have more Bhuts and Nagas but I'm not sure if that's necessary.
geeme said:
Stallouts happen - be patient.
That's what I'm thinking...maybe I should check the roots?  I guess it's the dark shiny leaves that are concerning did have a really dark suntan when it first came up.
If you are growing under lights try placing the plant in a sunny window seal for a week to see if it starts its growing again.  Sometimes the infusion of natural sunshine cures all. 
Seems like you need a little patience. Believe me, waiting drives me nuts. It was only two weeks before I saw my first hook, but that seemed a life time. I'm no pro, but your plant looks OK to me.
Believe it or not, a little over a day later, this guy is getting some more leaves lol...not sure what the problem was, the dark shiny leaf up top is starting to brown *shrug* 
Good thing I didn't pitch it haha watch it end up being one of my best producers this year O_o