Whats you ratio of chinense to non chinense planted this season?

Tough to tell what my ratios gonna be, right now its about 90% chinense 10% annuum, but thats because I started those first, I ended up starting too many seeds at once and it became overwhelming so I stopped germinating for a few weeks, my re-pots have just finished hardening off and will go into the ground or their permanent containers this weekend. I have a good mix of everything else germinating right now, so I figure after its all said and done i should be about 70% chinense, 15% annuum, 10% baccatum, 3%pubes, 2% wilds & misc.
60% Chinense probably. Tons of Frutescens, some Annuums, and some wilds. One year I swear I'm going to dramatically reduce my Chinense numbers and try more reasonable stuff heat wise. There's so much awesome stuff out there. Pubescens is another I love. Hell, can you tell I love them all? lol.

Anything annuum grows like a weed for me, Goatsweed, Fresno, Suryanki, Ceyenne, Superchili F1 and now bulgarian carrotts with the exception of Tepin and I can honestly say I will not be growing Tepin again.
Bishop's are just sprouting (baccatum).
Fatalii, Golden bullet habs are still in germination stage after 1 week.(chinense), I have one overwintered hab that is producing small buds but I am pinching them.
I'm at about 50% Chinense, But that is varieties,26/50. But I will grow multiples of chinense where only one each of some others , So prolly gonna be about 70%.
I'm not starting from seed this year (I tried, but it fell through). If it would've worked out, the statistics would have been drastically different. Instead, I ordered the majority of what I plan to grow this year from chileplants.com. The ratio is 27:3, with the vast majority being chinenses and the only others being three differenties of annuums (jalapeño). I didn't simplify the ratio, so yes, there will be a total of 30 plants.

However, I'm considering getting a few more plants, including Tabasco, Pequin, Tepin, Serrano, a few more orange habaneros (can't get enough of 'em), and maybe a couple other varieties... but I'm not sure. Depends on what I can find and what I feel like picking up at the time. There's so much I wanted to get to grow this year, but had to miss out on. A lot of them will have to wait until next year...
Burning Colon said:
Anything annuum grows like a weed for me, Goatsweed, Fresno, Suryanki, Ceyenne, Superchili F1 and now bulgarian carrotts with the exception of Tepin and I can honestly say I will not be growing Tepin again.
Bishop's are just sprouting (baccatum).
Fatalii, Golden bullet habs are still in germination stage after 1 week.(chinense), I have one overwintered hab that is producing small buds but I am pinching them.

I hate tepin and pequin and maybe even tabasco up here in Canada. Barely any ripened last year. Those are all for hotter climates.
I only have about 50% this year mainly because I'm not growing 50 plants and I over wintered my 2 biggest TS plants which are already producing pods.
35% Chinense, 32% Annuum, 12% Baccatum, 9% Pubescens, 9% Wild and 3% Unknowns!
I'm still waiting for all of them to germinate, But I think it looks like a fun mix.