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What's Your Bottom Number? Seriously...

Alas- many of us in the chile pepper world are becoming more and more aware of the wide range of health benefits associated with consuming capsaicin. One of such benefits is the ability to lower one's blood pressure, cut bad cholesterol and improve one's cardiovascular health.

So on that note I'd like to pose an honest poll to the members of The Hot Pepper forum. As a result of consuming all of the capsaicin and heat that we do day-in and day-out I want to know:

*What are your numbers(ie: 120 over 80 etc.)?

*Has your blood pressure improved and worsened since you started eating peppers and capsaicin?

Obviously some people are prescribed water-pills, beta-blockers and other blood pressure lowering medications and this question doesn't so much apply to those taking meds because your system already has something at work to combat HBP.

Please respond! I'd like to see if there is really something to the whole chile pepper-blood pressure correlation.

I had a physical this last week and where my BP used to run 130+ over 90+ in previous years this last Thursday's BP reading was 118 over 76. I'm 40 years old, not on meds and I eat a buncha heat!

Thanks in advance!
My average is about 96/55 (sometimes lower, sometimes a bit higher), but it's always been that way. Could be genetics, could be because I work out. Could be because I've always eaten peppers, but likely a combo of all those factors.
118 over 88 is my usual. I eat spicy stuff everyday and never have had a problem. A little heat every once and a while for everyone does a body good i think.
Last month mine was 122/78 with heart rate at rest of 72. I dont know if its the peppers I've always ate but I just turned 50 so I'm pretty happy with those numbers.
Capsaicin intake has not been proven to lower BP.

Some people are genetically predisposed to have hypertension no matter their lifestyle.

A balanced diet along with exercise can go a long way to controlling BP.

I'm 53 and currently at 128 over 78 or so, depending on the time of day.

No meds.

I've eaten chile's almost all my life and believe the health benefits are minimal although combined with other healthy choices, they can be beneficial.

Eat foods high in omega-3 such as sardines, salmon, and shrimp.

Eat lots of green leafy veggies'.

Limit or eliminate sugar, salt, and processed foods.

Eat chiles, onions, garlic, and tomato's, every day.

Force yourself to eat oatmeal.

Don't smoke or drink.

Easier said than done.
Over 50 and haven't been to a sawbones in 25 years.

Every few years I'll stop by one of those free BP cuffs when wandering through a drug store.

Always in the normal to low normal range.

Modern medicine is great for trauma, but is just about selling the latest pharmacological wonder drug for everything else.
IMHO, of course.

I eat hot peppers because it is a legal way to practice masochism. :shh: Well, and they taste good.
Gotrox- right on'!!! I feel much the same!

Thanks to those who responded. I figured the best way to get a general concensus would be to ask abroad and see what kind of responses come back. Kinda wish a few more people would've responded but then again I have a real reputation for being an ass at times so I guess it serves me right.
I've had geneticaly high Bp since I was 17 - i used to be able to control it thru diet exercise but now at 44 the time and gym go by all too quickly - I've eaten hot foods/ peppers all the while. So I'll give a +1 to TB on his answer.