What's your diagnosis on this ghost plant?

Not sure what variety of "ghost" this is but it's in a pot and the last few days it's looking poor, check out the leaves and give me ideas of what may be wrong, it was growing really good and was nice and green although it has no flowers or buds yet and this past week or so it has started to look like this, any ideas?


Here's my 1.5 cents (since I'm no expert)... new growth appears to show cal/mag problems judging by curved leaves and brown spots appear to be old sunburn. Were there any signs of sunburn before or did they just appear? I'd love to see other opinions as well.
I see you are growing in pots. Are you letting the plants dry before you water? That would be my guess. They need a moist soil not wet. What type of soil or growing medium did you use?

Kid I think your close on the calcium def.
My Plant Had the same or Similar Problem, I Did everything but In The End it was the Same, I Just clipped off the Leaves infected and Now its Doing better The Problem went away from now and its Now Growing Better
thanks for all the replies, overwatering may be it I can't help mother nature though, we've had a lot of rain here the past week and a half though after coming from a drought and some record breaking 103-107 degree temps. The problem is not too much love as these guys get very little, and as for other questions, the soil is MG. I noticed about a week or so ago a slight discoloration in the center of the leaves, almost a purple/blue color and now this.