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favorite What's Your Favorite Indoor Potting Mix?

I picked up a 60lb bale of Pro-Mix HP yesterday. Going to give it a go today with my next round of pot ups.
U)<now said:
I picked up a 60lb bale of Pro-Mix HP yesterday. Going to give it a go today with my next round of pot ups.
That is perfect. Peat moss and high pearlite content. The plants will love it.
I use a similar product and have 100% success.

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U)<now said:
Good to hear!
I actually bought a extra bag of pearlite to add more to the mix. Make sure your pots have good drainage holes and that they are not flat on the floor surface plugging the holes otherwise it will keep water in a lot longer.

And the golden rule as always don't overwater it,there is still water in the peat even when you think it needs waters.

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Gonzo said:
I actually bought a extra bag of pearlite to add more to the mix. Make sure your pots have good drainage holes and that they are not flat on the floor surface plugging the holes otherwise it will keep water in a lot longer.

And the golden rule as always don't overwater it,there is still water in the peat even when you think it needs waters.

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Ok. The pots I have have excellent drainage with raised holes, same for my catch trays, they have raised ridges, so no issues there.

They were wilting again last night so I watered them with 1oz to 2oz depending on how dry the bottom of the pot was, size of the plant and how the lot felt weight Wise.

After a 3 hour YouTube binge last night on Pro-Mix's YouTube channel and a few others... I think part of my problem might be also that my humidity is simply too high in the tent, averaging 35% and that is not allowing them to dissipate the water as quickly. So I'm going to leave the door open going forward to keep the humidity low. Which, leaving the door open, temps will only be about 70f during the day about about 60f when the lights are off, but that's ok. I'd rather have the temps a bit lower than deal with edema til May. I normally try to keep it around 75, but that won't happen with the door open all the way.

YAMracer754 said:
Thats the good stuff! They're heavy right!? That 3.8l compressed stuff swells to a lot bigger though with h20.

Yeah they are, it felt much heavier than 60lbs, lol.
The pots are perfect,your soil looks super dry or was that because it was just potted?

Might be a good idea to give it a proper watering when potted so that the water is evenly distributed in the pot. You can bottome feed it. Fill that catch tray and watch it soak up all the water and throw the excess water out when done and let the pot drain what it wants to drain. It will keep wet for a couple day but after that you can give it small amounts of water again.

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Gonzo said:
The pots are perfect,your soil looks super dry or was that because it was just potted?

Might be a good idea to give it a proper watering when potted so that the water is evenly distributed in the pot. You can bottome feed it. Fill that catch tray and watch it soak up all the water and throw the excess water out when done and let the pot drain what it wants to drain. It will keep wet for a couple day but after that you can give it small amounts of water again.

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Those were super dry, that was just a pic showing you how dry/wilted I've been letting them get and they still are getting edema.

Edit: Also, I do bottom water into the catch trays and they soak it up very quickly. I gave them a good watering at pot up which is what caused my edema to start, mainly because they were just too small still so they didn't need a "normal" watering. Since that, I let them go until they wilted then gave them 2oz or so each and it was another 10 days until they wilted, gave them about 2oz each depending on how wilted they were (checked the bottom of the mix on each pot and watered accordingly) on the 5th and they just started to wilt again last night, so only 4 or 5 days that time. So when I watered last night, I only gave them 1oz to 2oz each.
U)<now said:
Ok. The pots I have have excellent drainage with raised holes, same for my catch trays, they have raised ridges, so no issues there.
looks pretty dry from the pic. have you tried more water?
you can add a couple inches to the bottom of the tray and just let it sit in there. Since you have HP soil now it will not soak up too much and drown.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Im using the ProMix Ultimate Organic simply because its under $6 a bag atm at Menards and CNS17 3-1-2 Grow mixed about 1/3 strength
Ive also noticed it shrinks a lot as it dries and in solo cups it takes a long time to dry. In Jiffy pots it dries pretty quick though. While im sure its not the best its very affordable and simple.
I'm loving this Pro-Mix HP, dries out in about 4 days now.
Sauced said:
Roofs Organic 707 (70%) with Happy Frog (25%), topped with dash of worm casting. Soil mixed with some additives.

Sounds like a good mix of killer hippy dirt!
Always wanted to try that 707 but the price was pretty high.
Might have to look again.