seeds-germination When are you starting seeds?

When are you guys going to be putting them outside?
Supposedly you don't want them to be too mature or to have outgrown their pots for long before you transplant since it will shock them more.  Supposedly..
Curious because I'm in Pittsburgh and still on the fence for when to start.  Have annums and chinense, from bananas to reapers, and everything in between.  Was thinking super hots at the end of the month and annums at the end of February?  Or should I just start now?  Not really half decent temps until late May.
Kramer said:
When are you guys going to be putting them outside?
Supposedly you don't want them to be too mature or to have outgrown their pots for long before you transplant since it will shock them more.  Supposedly..
Curious because I'm in Pittsburgh and still on the fence for when to start.  Have annums and chinense, from bananas to reapers, and everything in between.  Was thinking super hots at the end of the month and annums at the end of February?  Or should I just start now?  Not really half decent temps until late May.
I target plant out (in raised beds) 1st-2nd week of May based on temperature and forecast.  Hardening off the week before.
Kramer said:
When are you guys going to be putting them outside?
Supposedly you don't want them to be too mature or to have outgrown their pots for long before you transplant since it will shock them more.  Supposedly..
Curious because I'm in Pittsburgh and still on the fence for when to start.  Have annums and chinense, from bananas to reapers, and everything in between.  Was thinking super hots at the end of the month and annums at the end of February?  Or should I just start now?  Not really half decent temps until late May.
We're about the same boat. I start Chinense 12 weeks before plant-out, Annuums 8 weeks b4, and tomatoes 6 weeks b4. Of course, I started manzano/rocotos 12/01/20.  :lol: 
I'll be sowing around mi-February; plantout (raised beds) planned for May 22 if the weather is not to fucked-up next spring!
I already started with pubescens. They grow fast but usually I had problem to get then to fruit. They require temperature change.

Started 12/26, germinated four day later and first catyledon appeared 1/5.

Also chinense 26/12. But not germinated yet. My variety is very slow. Another species come maybe in the next two week.
I've already started my Super Hots, everything else will get started next month. The hope is to have them all transplanted into 3" pots by the end of February. The Super Hots will eventually get up potted to 4.5", usually toward the end of March. I hope to plant out at the end of April, beginning of May depending on the weather.
Thank god I started early with rocotos. They still growing slowly. They are now two weeks old and still very small. I also read diaries and many people also have started their rocotos already. In Finland we have usually short growing season for chilies. It's even harder to try with wild varieties. My mystery chili Pepper X is already bushing it's first buds. Not even 2 month old... Maybe the only variety is chinense that is very fast with my setup. I usually it takes maxinum 140 days from germinated to fully ripen pods.