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seeds When are you starting your seeds?

Here in houston, my seedlings went out in april 2011. I started my seeds in late dec/early jan which seemed to be too early looking back. If history will repeat itself, im thinking of starting late january in 2012.

When are you you guys and gals going start your seeds?
I posted a similar topic about a week ago and the consensus was about 12-14 weeks under lights. Some are all about early, early, early, and have already started (even in areas like Chicago and stuff), but most say about 3 months or so. I went back to SilverSurfer's thread and I think he started in mid Jan or so and planted out like April. I think he was going for the beginning of April, but weather was crazy.

I am going to start come the end of January, hoping for an end April plant out.

Hope this helps.
From the little bit I've observed, seems like those in the South should get them going in January-ish. It must be hitting 60s at night in Texas by April most years, prime growing Wx.

Me, different ball game. I have to play tricks to outsmart Ma Nature in the North. Plant out here could be anywhere from mid-April to mid-June! But I still plan to start some C. chinense at the end of January and stagger starts dates over a 6-week period.

It is sooo hard watching others get their starts started, but I dig it....

.. :cool:
I start mine early for Zone 6, but most of my plants have peppers on them at planting time. I like to get a couple of harvests off the long season varieties before November.

I started mine dec 15th. If I played by the rules it would have been around January 1st but, I have a greenhouse so 2 weeks early is an option for me :)

Yep, those up north with great indoor lighting and those with greenhouses can start earlier and extend their growing time frames, for sure. Those with Houston weather, also! Whatever you decide, good luck and Happy Grow Year, PJ...
.. :cool:
Im in northern Illinois and am thinking about starting mine after the first of the year. If they get too big I will just cut them back. If you can grow indoors I see no reason not to other than space. Unless you are looking to do something specific.
I got started early. I started mine yesterday. I should have enough room in my grow box to keep the 10 plants I'm going to do happy until late April to early May. Just going to have to up the light output.
I got started early. I started mine yesterday. I should have enough room in my grow box to keep the 10 plants I'm going to do happy until late April to early May. Just going to have to up the light output.

Strong "cool temp" light source = Lush, dense, compact growth...

i started a few hundred last week for an early greenhouse/container crop but will start the bulk of them which will go in the ground eventually last week of january/first week of february.
If our weather acts like normal I am hoping to go in the ground first week of February.....as far as that goes we still have not dropped below 40 so far this year.

Plants still growing from this year.
Seeds? Hell I still have plants from the 2011 season still growing and producing :P.

I have plans to start getting seeds started the first parts of Jan and have them under the new T5 setup up until mid March

My last frost date is around April 21st. I plant all my peppers May 1st to be on the safe side. If I want
nice sized chinense's to plant, January is a good start point for me. I could start them later, but they
would be a lot smaller at planting time. All my other peppers get started mid February. A lot of members
in the colder zones start pretty early so they can get ripe fruit before their frost date. I'm in zone 7b-8,
luckily a long growing season.
I start seeds from Mid/late January until mid March depending on the species/variety and what expectations I have for each
I started my chinenses and pubsecens on December 23, 2011. Here in NE KS, we can plant outside about May 15 or so. Annums, bacaatums and frutescens will start in Mid February.
I started on 11/21 -
5 Butch Ts
5 fatali
3 7 pot Primo
3 red Bhut jolokia
12 mild cherry peppers

set 10 datils 3 more fatalis on 12/17

No 7 pot grew....transplanted 4 Butch Ts, 2 bhuts and 5 mild cherry peppers in cups - 12/17
Most folks around here use Memorial Day as the safe to plant out date. I've tried Mother's Day before, but unless they are portable, it's probably not wise.

Last year, I started mine the third week in February, which would have been about right. Due to out of town company, my plants got kicked out to the porch a couple weeks earlier than they should have, which really set them back. If only I could train my house guests not to let the cats in the pepper room ... I mean guest room. :lol:
Start chinese mid-January, remainder about one month latter. I could wait for the annums but get anxious to start growing things in the dead of winter. Target date for plant out is third week of May or latter dependent on weather (i.e. frost) conditions. Usually have about 20 flats of peppers, veggies, flowers that I am ready to get in the ground, and stop fussing with.