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When Can I Expect Fruits?

My seeds were planted on January 7, so they should be turning 4 months in a couple days! I was wondering how many months do they grow until they start to fruit? Id like to know because in the case that they did not get pollinated, id like to manually pollinate them myself. Ive seen plenty of bees outside, so I doubt they will have a problem, but I'd like to know what the time line is like for growing plants. These are my first plants ever grown and I dont want to mess up.
The time from seed to fruit varies greatly between species, with annuums being the fastest. It also depends upon your individual growing environment - soil, light, watering, fertilizing, etc. Because of these factors, it is hard to say with any accuracy when you will get pods. However, you can look on many websites to get a general idea for a given variety. ChilePlants.com, for example, gives some rules of thumb (such as early or late season.)

Regarding pollinating, peppers are self-pollinating, so typically all you need to do to ensure pod production is to gently shake the plants periodically. However, this can also vary - a plant may not have good pollen, for example, because of individual growing conditions.
Give the plants a good shake or put a fan blowing on them to help pollinate as well as strengthen them. Manual pollination is not needed
thanks for the shake the plant tip. i have to constantly move the pots around because the landscapers come by once every couple of weeks, so i guess when i move them, the shaking has been done?
hey there stone dude,

if you have the plants outside, the little
bee thingies will (eventually)pollinate for you

the flowers are your plants natural sexing organs
the bees help out your plant to have sex :dance:
you can watch and just be careful do not get any on you