seeds When do you all order seeds?

I tend to favor two suppliers, Pepperlover and Peppermania.....for no other reason than they both have gone out of their way to do me right as a consumer.
Based on your experience, what is the best time to order seeds? I plan to begin germination just after the first of the year. Judy right now seems to be light some varities and out of a few others. Do suppliers tend to rotate stock based on what they have? If so, I'll order what I want now and then pick up more later.  Are they harvesting and determining seed stock for '14 as we speak? If that is the case I'll hold off anf order all at once later in the month.
Normally I order in December, but I am done for the year already.  The seed companies that do catalogs send them out usually mid-November.
Seeds are usually viable for a few years, depending upon how you store them - cool and dry is ideal - and assuming they were viable in the first place. Timing of ordering seeds, therefore, is not terribly important if you plan to use them within a couple years.
It is if i want certain varities before my preffered sources run out ;)
I found what I was looking for......Judy has added a "trinidad" section, where several favorites were hiding
Before what i want is out of stock ;)
Seriously get them before it's too late, a couple months make no differences in germination times or overall quality.
My favorite sources have already started to add new varieties from a while...
I wanted to be sure I had some in time to start around the end of the year. Ordered from Pepperlover and they should arrive tomorrow. A late start worked out pretty well last year. Hopefully an early start will be that much better.