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When do you start your C. annuums?

I usually don't start my annuums until the Ides of March, but since I'm growing a lot less chinenses this year, I've been getting anxious and have recently started a few varieties. I realize this is asking for trouble, as there is no doubt that I'm going to run out of room, but the ball is already in motion:lol:
Now I just gotta hold off on the tomatoes;)
I am getting really antsy to plant annuums AND tomato seeds too...

I plan on starting them about Feb 20th...figuring 6 weeks will be the first of April so I should be ready for hardening off/plant out...
I started a bunch of Jal seeds in mid january, currently they are no farther ahead than the other varieties that were started the same day.
Maybe I shouldn't have started mine on Jan 1st....I'm going to need more lights lol.

Already have flower buds on a few.
I started mine real early before christmas i think, but this is my first year growing chiles so me and my dad didn't really know. I would suggest a bit later but hey what do i know lol
I start my annums now, the swedish summer is very suitable for annums, like anaheim, but, with emphasis on the but... you have to start feb/mar to take advantage of the summer weather. the summer climate is great here, the problem is that the summer is very short.