When do you start your plants?

Last year I planted my seeds on February 9th. This year I am thinking January 1st. I am only using fluorescent shop lights so do y'all think that the plants may get too big before the middle of May?
I started last season's seeds on January 1st and planted out mid-May (I am in Pennsylvania). My plants were slightly larger than the plants available at the local farmer's markets. I used 2 2-ft T8s, not a lot of light at all. It was pretty much perfect, my superhots were bigger than the neighbors annuums. If your plants happen to get out of hand, you could always prune them.
I started a couple of each chinense variety over the last couple of weeks. I'll start a couple more of each in January in case that turns out to be a bad idea. The faster growing varieties I'll start in January or February.
I have some rare varieties that I plan to start next month mainly because they take a long time just to sprout, long maturing varieties I like to start off in Jan. if I can, Bells and other Annuums I start in Feb. I use T8 shop and growlux if they start to get to big I just trim them back some, this year I plan on going to T5's just to give my rare wild ones and late maturing a bit of a boost.