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When is it too late?

Just curious to know opinions on when it is too late to start a new plant this season.

If I start a few new ones now, or in a couple or weeks, will they still be able to produce decent pods before the season is over?
I'm thinking about starting some more next week as well, So I'd be interested to hear what everyone has to say. The way I see it, a few pods is better than no pods, and if you over winter then you'll get a better start on next year with those plants anyways
Hello GreenTea,

I'm by no means an expert, but I would think it would have a lot to do with where you live..weather/season length wise and just saw you are in Canada, lol so idk, seems like your window would be pretty small? Just my 1cent :)
Yes indeed, up here in Canada.

I asked, because I just got a bunch of new seeds, and waiting until next February is almost painful. :dance:
I would doubt with where you are at, it would be to your benefit to plant now. Unless you want to dig them up and pot them up before the first frost. Bringing them inside and growing them out indoors or overwintering them for next year. Otherwise, I'd wait. Unless they are varieties that mature in 75-90 days.
I started some plants in July last year, but they ended up becoming overwinters/early starts on this season. The later you start, the lower your expectations should be for getting ripe fruits off the plant. If you think you'll have the space indoors to overwinter them, then go for it, otherwise I'd say it's probably getting a bit late for the Canadian growers... even here, I would only think about starting annums at this point.

Just my 2 cents... I'm lazy/cheap, so I'm mainly concerned with getting pods during the growing season, I don't want to bother with any elaborate indoor grows.
I don't know if anyone else touched on this but most chiles and peppers are equatorials. The further north one travels from the equator the shorter the growing season; the later last-frost and earlier first frosts twoard the end of the year.

Ideally you want to start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks prior to the last frost in your area. Now there are always exceptions to the rule and some chiles and peppers are more tolerant of cold temps than others but NONE of them are happy in snow or cold inclement weather. Put yourself in the shower and then go stand out in freezing temperatures to prove this to yourself. What happens to your extremities and limbs is no different than what chile and pepper plants feel in cold temps.

The latest that I would start anything for production would be early March(here in California) but if you want to start a plant late in hope of getting enough peppers for seed for next years season you can start them as late as now... unless as aforementioned, you have a lighting system. Anything goes if you have sufficient indoor lighting. You're in Canada, EH! You're surrounded my hydroponics shops. Every street corner last I checked in Vancouver, BC, and therefore you have an advantage!

Best of luck with your grow this year! Trial and error is how we gain perfection!
good to know as i am now just recently getting some seeds from members here on THP and would like to get them growing rather than wait next year..i thinkk in socal we have an advantage as you never know when the seasons will start...this week will be hot.. by next week will prolly be in 60-70s.. ahhaha anywhos i am learning and will start by planting what i can and overwintering...so i can get a head start for next season... thanks again for those that have spent time sending me seeds.,...

As another Canadian, Id say plant now... you may only get a few peppers... but its better than nothing, just save every last seed :)

Last year i started some excess jalapeno seeds about this time just in the window sill, and put them outside a couple weeks later than the others. each plant produced between 4-6 ripe peppers if i recall. Im going to start a few seeds today that i just recently received actually

maybe ill put them in containers so i can pull em inside to the windowsill to extend the season a little
i hope this helps a little, cheers