seeds When should I start feeding my seedlings?

So my seedlings are growing their true set of leaves and I'm not sure when I should start feeding them. Do I feed them now or wait until they grow a little more? Also what fertilizer and how much shouId I use?
This is what my plants look like now:

edit: also this is the soilless media i'm using: sphagnum peat moss, expanded vermiculite, organic residue of agribusiness class A, lime, land plaster and fertilizer NPK (trace). pH 5,5 +/-0,5
I would feed them right now with a liquid kelp, at about 1/8 strength.  Once the leaves that you see get a bit bigger, so that they look like miniature "true" leaves, feed them NPK at 1/4 strength.
solid7 said:
I would feed them right now with a liquid kelp, at about 1/8 strength.  Once the leaves that you see get a bit bigger, so that they look like miniature "true" leaves, feed them NPK at 1/4 strength.
Are there any alternatives to liquid kelp? I can't find any in my area..
also should I use soluble or insoluble fertilizer?
I like putting a ball or 2 of Osmokote time release in my cells once I sprout in baggies.
Seems to work for me.
Beth/Peppermania tried it but passed on before she planted the starts outside.
I talked to her a day or so before she died-we talked Peppers.
She said her starts looked better than in the past.
Maybe the couple balls of ferts did the trick.
Boils down to use a weak fert from sprouting on...
I think I used the stuff  was 14/14/14.
Because that was what I could get..
I'd use a higher nitrogen mix for starters.
I use Alaska Fish and Seaweed Extract Only for my pots.
Might add Foli Cal at budding.
Hey mate, I'm in the exact situation as you - I've started using a seaweed solution (Seasol) at around 1/3 a cap to a litre of water. Planning on using it once a fortnight. On the off fortnight I'm going to start using an epsom salt spray done to the leaves.
The Seasol spray is more of a tonic rather than a fertilizer. When I move them into bigger pots, the soil medium will include fertilizer that will enrich the soil.
If your potting soil already has fertilizer in it then you do not need to feed yet. Doing so could actually burn them. Check your soil bag first to see if ferts are already in it.
President Trump said:
If your potting soil already has fertilizer in it then you do not need to feed yet. Doing so could actually burn them. Check your soil bag first to see if ferts are already in it.
Yes the soil already has fertilizer in it, although this is written on the bag: 'User instructions: after germination, it is necessary to complement the nutrition of the seedlings by adding soluble fertilizers, according to technical recommendation.'
So I'm not sure what to do.. should I feed them or not?
I would feed them, most commercial fertilizer have dosage rates for seedlings. You can safely feed 1/2 strength fish emulsion either way.