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When should new plants be moved?

This is my first year of trying to grow from seed, and I see my super chilli seeds have sprouted in a pot. What I have is three plants sprouting that have produced their first two leaves. At the moment the pot is in our laundry and gets filtered sunlight from the sliding door.

When should I move them to allow more light to get onto the plants? I'm worried that if I leave them where they are they'll grow long and spindly.

It may sound like a dumb question, but I've never raised from seed before and would like to develop strong and healthy plants.
IMO...if they have sprouted and have a couple of leaves...pour the sunshine to 'em....just watch for sunscald (leaves will "bronze") but if you give them as much light as possible now that they are young, you will have a great start to a good producing season...like I said...IMO
I am doing just that AJ, all of my seedlings are outsidi enjoying the sun (when it decides to shine through). I have lost 2 seedling, a Pusa Jwala and today i found a Tobasco that was lying on it's side with a broken stem, i replaced it with a Medusa seedling :)

If i may hijack for a bit, when should i start feeding them?
I started giving mine nutrients in very low doses when they had 2 sets of true leaves...they liked it...
AlabamaJack said:
I started giving mine nutrients in very low doses when they had 2 sets of true leaves...they liked it...

Thanks AJ..

Good luck with your seedlings lordviykor:)
give them a few hours of direct sun per day, start with only an hour or so making sure they are adequately hydrated first. after a week or two they will be ready for full sun. just choose a day when it's not blazing hot when you plant out.
Mine are under lights when they sprout. As close to the light as possible (LEDs produce no heat at all). In just a day or two, seeds not in direct light can get a good start on becoming leggy.

I usually give full and direct sun light for about 4 hours in the afternoon when i get home after the first set of true leaves have come through. This gets them use to the sun without it being super hot. After a week of this I put them in the sun full time.

I start giving them small amounts of thrive once a week after the 2nd set of true leaves and seasol after i transplant them the first time...

They seem to love it...
be very careful with direct sunlight; my current plants got scalded since i left them out too long, thankfully they are rebounding nicely... i was worried i was going to kill my bhuts before i got to taste them, instead ive just delayed my tasting for a while..
moyboy said:
I usually give full and direct sun light for about 4 hours in the afternoon when i get home after the first set of true leaves have come through. This gets them use to the sun without it being super hot. After a week of this I put them in the sun full time.

I start giving them small amounts of thrive once a week after the 2nd set of true leaves and seasol after i transplant them the first time...

They seem to love it...

Thrive hey, i use osmacote, thrive hey....
The seeds I put into Jiffy tablets have nearly all sprouted as well, so I've got more Super Chilli's and a Fatalli growing now.

I got most of my seeds to sprout using the tea bag method on the Chilliman website. I'm trying to get some more seed to srout now, some Fatalli's, Diablo's and Jalapeno's.

I'll have to get my missus to check them I'm away from home with work at the moment.
good luck with the plants, i think growing from seeds is much more rewarding than going to the store adn buying seedlings; id also suggest that you put a small fan on them, if you plan to move them outside ever you will want to start the hardening off process sooner than later