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When to Harvest??

Obviously one waits for the peppers to turn - in most cases - a brilliant red, but should all red fruit be removed from the bush immediately, or left until there is more to harvest?

What do you do?
huntsman said:
Obviously one waits for the peppers to turn - in most cases - a brilliant red, but should all red fruit be removed from the bush immediately, or left until there is more to harvest?

What do you do?

It tends to be personal preference. Sorry, I know my answer isn't very helpful. I tend to pick them once they have reached their final color and the majority of the pod is that color. Bhuts tend to turn orange-ish, red, and then dark red. I will pick them at any stage.
Peppers hold on the plant really well, so you can leave them on if you wish and harvest many at a time, or pick one at a time to use with cooking. I have left peppers on the plant for several weeks and they were still crisp when I picked them. But if I leave them on the counter of fridge for that long, they tend to get soft or develop mold.

the more you pick the more the plant gives you and less nutrition will be lost. so as soon the pod rip or even start ripping u may pick it
PepperLover said:
the more you pick the more the plant gives you and less nutrition will be lost. so as soon the pod rip or even start ripping u may pick it

agree makes room for more, I guess if you had a great amount of plants prob wouldnt hurt as much to do some massive harvest evryonce in awhile..
pick when they're the fully ripe color they should be.
early in the season I pick ripe pods (or very close to ripe) whenever they show, as the season goes on I start harvesting ripe pods when theres more of them.

but remember even though they're still on the plant they still can go bad or start drying out if left on the plant too long. you cant leave them on there for ever until you decide to pick them.