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When to start Bloom fert

In hydro I use the same nutrient strength year-round and NPK ratios are equal, ie, 1/1/1.

I don't do anything to chiles I have in dirt. I start with spading in dirt/worm casting/compost mix in spring and do nothing after that.
Thanks Potawie and Willard --
I think what I am going to do is to continue normally until mid/end of July if I start to see a slowing of bud sites I will start with a bloom regimen.
BTW they are in soil.
I just fed my plants....I used 140 gallons of the following mixture..

45 ml/gal Pro Bloom
12 ml/gal Liquid Karma
10 ml/gal Cal Mag Plus
16 drops/gal Superthrive

Pic of preparation area...


obligatory shot of nutrient station...I love the way this works...


It seems that each person uses a different regimen. I say what ever works for you is a good thing...this has worked for me all year.
I will see what happens and continue what I am doing now -- my climate in the NorthEast is about month or so behind yours so a lot may change by July and would be beneficial to start a bloom schedule.

I noticed some bloom fertilizer do not contain Nitrogen and heavy Phosphorous and low Phosphate would I need to supplement N into the mix as well?
I was just looking at the ingredients of the total mixture I was using and it turns out I am using a 3.6-4-5.1...the pro bloom is 1.5-4-5, the cal mag plus has 2% N plus calcium, magnesuim, and iron..and the liquid karma has .1-0-.1

so I am essentially using a balanced fertilizer.....
imaguitargod said:
I'm using FoxFarm Ocean Floor soil....I have a feeling I won't have to fert any time in the near furture, lol.

I do too ,this is very good soil, but expensive,I did use this for my seedlings too..
Most of the season I use a balanced fertilizer like 20-20-20 and never very strong. In the beginning of the season I like to use a bit of fish emulsions with higher nitrogen to get thing going, and at the end of the season when I don't need any more new growth I use more of a bloom formula with higher Phosphorous. This year I'm using more manure so I don't expect to have to fertilize often.

Hi Potawie ,What kind of manure and in what form are you using ?
chicken,cow, pig ,horse manure ?? are you soaking it in water and than you using water or simply you are adding it to the soil???
I prefer cow manure(less weeds) but this year I got Horse manure which has been aged for several years and just mix it in my soil. I find its best to mix the manure a week or so before planting just in case raccoons or other critters decide to go digging for treasures. I also have lots of natural deer poop that I try to rake into the garden.
I use an amino acid powder and fulvic acid powder at times. This is in addition to regular fertilizer. Once I applied the amino acid powder (foliar spray), wow did the plants perk up. It's supposed to majorly help nutrient uptake.

I prefer cow manure(less weeds) but this year I got Horse manure which has been aged for several years and just mix it in my soil. I find its best to mix the manure a week or so before planting just in case raccoons or other critters decide to go digging for treasures. I also have lots of natural deer poop that I try to rake into the garden.

I do too use horse manure ,I stop and pickup a full garbage bag ,but I put in in garbage plastic can and soak it for 3 days ,then strain to have clean liquid and I water tomatoes with this,I'm tempted to do the same with peppers but I think it may be to much N2 or NO3/NO2
Last year I water cayenne with this and that pepper was growing like crazy
I also soak compost in garbage can to water plants ,it is like compost tea