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When to start feeding

This is my first year growing from seed & I'm not too sure when to start using fish emulsion or spraying with epsom salt. I've read to use 1/4 strength while they are still small, but haven't read when to start. They started sprouting about 8 days ago & I have several with 2 pair of leaves. I'm working today, but will post up some pics tomorrow when I get home. I have some datil, bhut, giant bhut, choc habs, mustard habs, chiletepin, & scotch bonnets. I started them in jiffy pellets, when should I move them up to a larger home & what should I fill it with? Just a regular potting soil? Any reccomendations? Thanks for the help!
This is my first year growing from seed & I'm not too sure when to start using fish emulsion or spraying with epsom salt. I've read to use 1/4 strength while they are still small, but haven't read when to start. They started sprouting about 8 days ago & I have several with 2 pair of leaves. I'm working today, but will post up some pics tomorrow when I get home. I have some datil, bhut, giant bhut, choc habs, mustard habs, chiletepin, & scotch bonnets. I started them in jiffy pellets, when should I move them up to a larger home & what should I fill it with? Just a regular potting soil? Any reccomendations? Thanks for the help!

don't completely take my advice cause im new to growing, but i just gave my plants their first shot of fertilizer and they are almost 3 months old. i basically just gave them water and at one point i added calcium to the water because they look a bit shriveled up.
Give 'em a low dose of ferts. I gave mine just water for their first two weeks and they looked good to me. After I gave them some food they have exploded. Just two days after I gave them a 2/5ths strengh feeding they doubled in size. Some on here seem adament to stick to water only, but after seeing with m own eyes I'll continue feeding from a wee lil baby state.

How about you split your seeds? Give half water only and the other half weak ferts. Then you can judge the result yourself.

Happy growing :fire:
some of mine are a bit over a month old and I have been feeding botanicare for about 2 weeks now. I used fish emulsion for the first time this past weekend (and kelp). I have given Epsom once or twice and a shot of vinegar once to get soil a little more acidy...
Plants have grown a lot since i started on nutrients..were really slow prior to that.
I give them a weak dose of a weak fert (like 1/4 strength fish emulsion) at the 2nd set of true leaves, and then every week or so after that. It's pretty helpful not to overwater or overfertilize them at the seedling stage. As they get toward transplant at about 6-7 weeks, I up it to 1/2 strength. Once they go in the ground, full strength.
Nutrient management is the name of the game. The plant will give you signs that it is deficient in some nutrient. If the plant is showing signs of a particular nutrient, then I treat it with that nutrient and nothing else. Normally, I do not start any sort of full-strength fertilizer until they are in the ground / container.
I gave mine some epsom salt here an there starting when they were a little over a month old. I added bone meal to the soil when I repotted them. They seem to love both and are getting huge.
Here are some pics of my plants. When should I start moving them into cups, peat pots, ect? Thanks for all of the help so far.




The plant in the first pic is too young. The plants in the last pic are just about right. You want the first set of true leaves to develop at least a little before potting up. Remove the mesh (without damaging any roots) when re-potting. Use a potting MIX, not potting SOIL.

Looking good -- keep up the good work.
The plant in the first pic is too young. The plants in the last pic are just about right. You want the first set of true leaves to develop at least a little before potting up. Remove the mesh (without damaging any roots) when re-potting. Use a potting MIX, not potting SOIL.

Looking good -- keep up the good work.

AGREE :onfire: One thing I'll add...I switched from a peat based mix to a coco based mix and I've had better results with my peppers. Tomatoes are about the same.
Careful not to over fertilize mind you, I killed my first Naga Jolokia that way! (or I think that was who 'dun it)

Still, this is how we learn!
Careful not to over fertilize mind you, I killed my first Naga Jolokia that way! (or I think that was who 'dun it)

Still, this is how we learn!
Careful not to over fertilize mind you, I killed my first Naga Jolokia that way! (or I think that was who 'dun it)

Still, this is how we learn!