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seeds when to start seeds for 2013?

just wondering when everyone was starting next years crops. I'm in central ohio, and i plan on planting mid-may inground. also, how many seeds (roughly) should be started? i got 3 different types from pepperlover.com, and this is my first time starting from seed. i got giant jalapeno, choc hab, and trinidad scorpion. im also going to put two of my bhuts back in the ground from overwintering. any advice on starting them would be great too. i have access to a couple awesome indoor gardening shops here. thanks for any help, i think once i get them started, and then in the ground, i'll be able to grow them pretty decently. i'll start a glog once i figure out what all i'm doing.

I started my first in late September. They are flowering now and should be huge by May when they go outside. I'll start my last batches of seeds through Jan and Feb to try some new varieties and replace some seedlings that have died.

IMHO, as long as you have some lights, you can start as early as you want.
I just ordered my superhot seeds last week with delivery hopefully by this coming Wednesday. Our last frost date is late March and as soon as the seeds come in they are going in soil under the lights. The drought last year hurt everyone and even with watering the heat was just too much for some of the plants. I hope this year is back to normal as I plan on having over 50 plants to tend. Good luck with your crop and I'll join you in the glog venture as a new member.
I am in south central Pennsylvania (currently cold, snowy, and icy) and I will start seeds next week. I have a 12-foot-wide floor-to-ceiling window that faces south. Beside that window is an 8-foot wide glass door. I will run lights in the evenings in conjunction with the natural light the plants receive throughout the day. They should be rather husky come late-April when they go outside. If I wait until April to plant seeds outdoors, I would not get an opportunity to harvest ripe fruit prior to Fall frost. An early start seems key to harvesting more fruit with such a short grow season.
I've started first part in the middle of August and second part in the September-October - all plants are fine without any artificial light, only south facing window.

First batch (Trinidad Scorpion started on August 15th):

Douglah and TSB and started in September

And latest plants (Morouga, 7Pot Primo, Orange Jolokia) from October that first month were kept under artificial light and then transfered to 4 gal pots and placed near large window:
I'm just north of you in the Akron area and I just started my seeds this past weekend in a 72 cell seed starter. Remember some super hots take 30-60 days to germinate. My goal is to plant April late and have plants well in the 6"+ range. With it being so dry last year my peppers didn't mature until late and I want to give them a head start to allow for a longer season, so to speak. I have about 10 varieties of superhots i'm planting this year.
I'm just north of you in the Akron area and I just started my seeds this past weekend in a 72 cell seed starter. Remember some super hots take 30-60 days to germinate. My goal is to plant April late and have plants well in the 6"+ range. With it being so dry last year my peppers didn't mature until late and I want to give them a head start to allow for a longer season, so to speak. I have about 10 varieties of superhots i'm planting this year.

We had super drought here in Arkansas last year and my peppers went dormant for 2 months. Started coming back in September but then it turned cold early. Very weird weather year. Good luck with your grow. I started 80 seeds today another 100 tomorrow so either I'll have too many to plant or I'll go down swinging.
just wondering when everyone was starting next years crops. I'm in central ohio, and i plan on planting mid-may inground. also, how many seeds (roughly) should be started? i got 3 different types from pepperlover.com, and this is my first time starting from seed. i got giant jalapeno, choc hab, and trinidad scorpion. im also going to put two of my bhuts back in the ground from overwintering. any advice on starting them would be great too. i have access to a couple awesome indoor gardening shops here. thanks for any help, i think once i get them started, and then in the ground, i'll be able to grow them pretty decently. i'll start a glog once i figure out what all i'm doing.


If your hardiness zone is Z5b or 6a then I would start the The Scorp and the Hab varieties around the middle of Janurary. The Jalapeno can be started 3 weeks later. You want about 12 solid weeks of growth indoors and and 2 weeks outdoors (hardening of) before officially planting out. Thats what works for me and I'm Z5.
Sure it all depends on the viability on the seeds, type and duration of the lights, medium and chemical...........blah, blah, blah..........

Just a word of advice, if you're only planting a few then you could start a bit earlier, in doing so ...the cost of materials, electricity, potting the plants up and the reduction of usuable space has to be taking into account. When growing dozens or hundreds of plants...........well just say you need a good gameplan...
Providing all goes well with the Bhut OW's, you can also plant those out early to mid May.
Good luck with your grow.

I started my first seed in late august and been planting more varieties up until now when I know I need to stop since I'm running out of space already (have 15 varieties in total).

Chinense varieties need to be planted earlier and my plan is to let the older ones grow their own way and allow the central stalk tp become sturdy, then cut them back just below the first fork soon to allow multiple side shoots to grow and hopefully produce more fruit with a lower centre of gravity plant. Haven't tried this before, but all my flowers/blossoms have been dropping off (british winter window ledge light is pretty poor) and don't want all the fruit to emerge too high up the plant.

Is there a limit to the number of flowers a plant can produce in one season, or does it continue to flower as long as it has the right condition? (I.e. did I start my plants too early?)