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seeds When to Transplant Seedling

I planted all of my germinated pepper seeds in peat pots. The pots are approximately 1.5 inches tall.

Some of the small plants have already put roots down through the botton of the pot, plants that are only 1 inch tall with their first and second set of leaves (what are they called)?

Using a Jiffy self-watering greenhouse, with the capilary mat, I noticed some of the peat pots "stuck" when picking them up. I thought it was merely the netting on the pot that was sticking, however, when I actually looked at the bottom of the pot, there were roots growing into the capilary mat.

With that being said, would you say it's time to transplant into a larger container?
Yes Ultra, definately time to pot some plants up. Carefully remove the netting from the peat pucks when you do. You can pinch off the original 2 leaves if you want and bury them upto that level, the seedlings will grow roots out their stems and give you a nicer root ball.

If you are going to pot up in stages, a good source of your next size can bee 9-10 ounce solo cups (the red keg cups). They will support the plants root system for a long time, I have some plants that are 7" tall in these cups. Just drill a hole about 3/8" in the bottom and a set on the sides down low about 1/4" for drainage and bottom watering.
Matt50680, I'm a bit reluctant to pinch off the first set of leaves, it only has four. These seedlings are tiny, and the leaves aren't "true" leaves yet. I am very surprised the roots are growing out of the bottom already. I'll go with the cups in a day or two.

These will have to live outside of the covered Jiffy greenhouse, it's only a few inches tall. They will still be under the fluoros though, I've got the four footers.
ultra...all leaves after the first two (cotyledons) are true leaves...
So the third and fourth leaves are true? I'll probably pickup some cups today, I hate to keep disrupting the roots by moving the pods around.

Thanks again for the feedback and help.