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When Will I get Peppers off of These?

Hey you all! I have been nursing these poor peppers for over a year. They died once due to who knows what and I re-potted them and brought them back. I then took them inside for the winter at which point they thrived for a couple of months and then the leaves turned light and fell off ... (again).

So now here we are. I've re-potted them again with new soil and they are happier than ever, but this is the first time I've ever grown anything and have no idea how to motivate them to make peppers or when they will do it?

I am down in New Orleans and shouldn't get any cold weather until after October so I've still got a few months I guess?

Pic below with a dollar bill for perspective (you will see 2 of the plants never came back).

They look great and remember when it comes to growing Hot Peppers and the hotter the pepper the longer it takes. 
Patience is a virtue. :)
So many variables to consider. Id start feeding them with something fairly high in Nitrogen. N stimulates growth. When your plants start to bloom Id switch to a bloom fert. As for peppers you will probably be getting late season pods. Im guessing first peppers will be late July or early August
Be sure to keep good fertilizing habits if you start seeing slow growth patterns double down on fertilizer. I am more than down for helping you out send me a message if you are interested in me telling you the simple and affordable fertilizer I use I am more than willing to help :)
Your plants look great, they will need a couple of months before you see any peppers. The bigger the pot, the larger the plant, the more peppers. NPK every third watering or so, make sure the soil they go in has some dolomite added (for calcium and magnesium) and some good compost. Never hurts to spray and water with some epsom salts solution now and again, but by the looks of the plants you off to a great start.
yea they look great, but small for sure to be producing peppers.  Any time my smallish plants produce flowers and actually set, the stem of the pod is usually to small to allow for big growth, if it can even hold up a very small pod at all and doesnt fall off as soon as the pepper gets any size.
Not just small pots, but not even filled half way :P I'd pickup some 5 gallon buckets from a hardware store and fill them up. Just leave some space for watering purposes.  Other than that they do look super healthy.