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health Where Did i Go Wrong?

Where Did i go wrong other than even get into planting peppers lol its been a tough season compared to last season for me, first it was aphids, then came mites, then fungus gnats...now this! Can someone point me in the right direction of what this could be: It is a NuMex Bakers Hot, was picked when it was like 30% mature in red, has NO HEAT! Seeds around the parts that were turning red where black as you can see in the picture, was pretty excited about this plant but now kinda disappointed!


Hey Silva, ive seen this on store bought chiles as well... must be something that went wrong during the grow... Could of been a bad pod in general, just my .02 cents...
thx i hoping its just a bad pod, ive seen it in store peppers too so just not sure...i sifted through the whole pepper to ensure i didnt find a maggot.. still got 4 more to try out but they have not started to ripe yet but since its a New Mexico/Anaheim type pepper it can be eaten green or red so *CROSSING MY FINGERS*
If you submerge it any vermin will come out of hiding to preserve themselves. could be bacteria/virus problem look at the whole plant and other pods.