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Where I'm at

Hello Everyone,

I do know what pepper I like the best as of now that I want to grow. That's the Scotch Bonnet. The only Scotch Bonnets I've tasted where from Jamaica. There I tasted and have a long time ago grown several types. "De' Scotch Bonnet" and "des' one we call da' Goat Pepper." Yardies didn't seem to make an effort to keep "strains" pure. But from one region to another you'd find something that was different.

I'm sure there is other Scotch Bonnets from else where I'll want to learn about. Maybe even some Habaneros. The Habaneros I've tested/tasted where from the grocery store. They were small , the heat level was ok , but they just didn't have the aroma and taste I really like and have been searching for.

Right now I don't have any seed , but I've ordered some fresh peppers from a big company that sells starter plants and peppers later on. I understand the seed may not be true from these. But I hope to learn a little more about what I may like. Like the a spice pepper called "TRINIDAD PERFUME"

The peppers will show up today so I'm planning on a tasty weekend. Yardie Chicken , Pepper Pot Veggies , Sweet Rice 'n' Peas , Mango Brown Betty ... Then Jerk ....

I will be back ... and I will try my best to pick your brains

Peace to all and I hope your day is super,
P. Dreadie
IYou can purchase all in Texas from Beth at peppermania as well as "bigsun" and "Foodarama SB"(I've never tried this one)

yes, but don't order yet...whats available now are seeds for the 2008 season...she is drying seeds and getting ready for the 2009 season at this moment...I got a very nice email from her after an inquiry and she said a lot of people are trying to order earlier this year than last year...
AJ - my understanding is the chile seeds if dried properly are good for several years, of course as the years go on the chances of the seeds growing goes down. but differences between 2008-2009 seeds shouldnt matter a whole lot IMO.
or am I wrong to think this ?
AlabamaJack said:
yes, but don't order yet...whats available now are seeds for the 2008 season...she is drying seeds and getting ready for the 2009 season at this moment...I got a very nice email from her after an inquiry and she said a lot of people are trying to order earlier this year than last year...
Did she happen to mention when the new seeds would be ready?
chilehunter said:
AJ - my understanding is the chile seeds if dried properly are good for several years, of course as the years go on the chances of the seeds growing goes down. but differences between 2008-2009 seeds shouldnt matter a whole lot IMO.
or am I wrong to think this ?

Chilli seeds kept in dry conditions remain viable for 5 years. Beyond that you are taking a gamble.
I understand about the seeds lasting, but personally I want seeds as "fresh" as I can get them...with that being said, I already have received 32 varieties from other suppliers for next year....I reckon what I am trying to say is 2008 seeds would be fine but if you wait for another couple of weeks you can get 2009 season seeds...
I got my fresh peppers and am very excited to start testing them. I got 10 different types. So it will take a while. Too bad peppers aren't like beer , something I can down in a hurry. I love peppers but I don't like to just munch on one. I enjoy them much more used in recipes.

I'm thinking I'll freeze the biggest part of them. Isn't that what most of you do?

I want to dry some of the seeds but will I know that's not really a good idea as I don't know if they've crossed in the field. And as AJ has said new seeds will be ready soon. So I'll just slap my hands and wait.

I hope everyone's day is super ,

P. Dreadie
You're lucky being able to buy so many fresh varieties! Enjoy!

I am freezing some pods, but the smalles part of my harvest tbh. I dried a lot and recently pickled a bunch and made some salsa I canned -- thanks to the help of Luckydog and HotPeppersFlyFishing (cheers guys!).

Thanks for heads up on peppermania it does look like she has some good Scotch Bonnets to try. I won't have room to try tons of different types so it's nice to hear good things about a few. I may look else too.

AJ .... when she say the new seeds would be ready? If you know ... it will save her having to answer me.

P. Dreadie
P.Dreadie,Why don't you make some jerk paste out of your bonnets and then can it?My true Jamaican Scotch Bonnets are turning now and this is what I'll be trying next weekend.I'm also planning a Scotch Bonnet Sauce.I have a couple recepes if there is any interest...
I am always interested in new recipes, actually I am collecting them. Whatever you can share, I'll be all ears and eyes and eager to try whatever sounds good to me!

I have some chicken thighs in a bag now of my jerk marinade. It's from old Scotch Bonnets I've had frozen. I'm looking forward to making another batch from some of the peppers I just got. I love Jerk Chicken !!
