Where to get fresh pods in Canada?

Not sure where to post this but is there anyone up here that ships fresh supers in the summer?  I'm guessing shipping from the states is not possible/not worth it. Thanks!
Sounds good!  I just moved from Calgary a few years ago...how do your plants do with the altitude and shorter growing season?
I'm in strathmore 30 mins from calgaRy. Well this is my first season from sred so I guess I'm about to find out ! But all my plants are way ahead. Most of them are already 4-5 months old
Can't say they'll ship them to you but if you ever travel to Toronto definitely give both the St. Lawrence & Kensington markets a go. St. Lawrence has a farmers market across Front street & I've spied Naga's and the like in there as well as the main building. Kensington is by far the better choice as it is more ethnic with South America, Mexico , Jamaican..etc the fresh produce markets will have a decent variety however if you check out some of the venders that have dry peppers ask if they have fresh (they usually do just not on display) this is of course unless you're looking for the latest hybrid which you won't find. Quite a few nurseries around the city are carrying stuff like the Reaper, Butch T, Choc 7 Pot, Moruga..etc.     
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Awesome, thanks guys.  Toronto is a 30 minute drive so I'll definitely check out Kensington!  I started my 3 plants November 1st so they're massive and just waiting for sun.  Should have some incredible heat growing on my balcony this summer.  And Chris, what nurseries carry those types of peppers?  Can you name some?
Sorry on the delay, I'll get some names together for you & post them here, one for sure is G.P Farm located just north of Steeles on Keele. These guy's carry everything.
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We will have fresh pods available starting sometime in July. We will be at the Port Credit Farmers Market in Mississauga every Saturday from June - October. Also online.
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