Which shapes/colors are dominant and recessive?

Are certain characteristics like pod shape, color, stinger/no stinger, smooth/pimply skin, etc., more dominant in crossing peppers and if so which ones? I'm thinking chinense here but could be others like annum/baccatum or otherwise.
Are certain characteristics like pod shape, color, stinger/no stinger, smooth/pimply skin, etc., more dominant in crossing peppers and if so which ones? I'm thinking chinense here but could be others like annum/baccatum or otherwise.
WoW.... so many complex Q's to answer, there are just way to many if's, but's and unknown's involed ...if i began to "try" and answer some of your Q's now i would still be writtng this time next week.

I guess it might be easier for members to try and answer your Q's if you break things down a bit and first let us know,... what is it you are looking at doing and what do you want your goals to be?

Hotrod64 said:
WoW.... so many complex Q's to answer, there are just way to many if's, but's and unknown's involed ...if i began to "try" and answer some of your Q's now i would still be writtng this time next week.

I guess it might be easier for members to try and answer your Q's if you break things down a bit and first let us know,... what is it you are looking at doing and what do you want your goals to be?

I'm not necessarily trying to do anything. I would like to experiment with my own crosses for fun at some point but I don't think it will be this year.
I was just curious as to which traits seem to show up most frequently.
Datil said:
It's a pretty complex topic, because many traits are controlled by multiple genes.
A couple easy:
- red is dominant over yellow
- small pod size is dominant over large
Here's an indepth doc:
sweet find thanx
Also would like to add a couple of topics about colors from Darren Abbey's blog 'The Biologist Is In'
The Color of Peppers


Since writing this post, I took some nice photos of chiles I collected or grew this year, found more interesting mutations to talk about, and have generally filled out my understanding of the story of pepper color genetics. All this has been included in a new post at: the-biologist-is-in.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-color-of-peppers-2.html

I previously posted about some of the genetics involved in determining the color of tomatoes (http://the-biologist-is-in.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-color-of-tomatoes.html). Here we'll be looking at the colors of chile peppers.

Ripe chile peppers come in a very similar range of colors to ripe tomatoes. Both vegetables (along with potatoes, tomatillos, and ground-cherries) belong to the Solanaceae family of plants. Because of the close relationship of the plants, there are strong similarities in how the basic biology of color operates in each of them.

The red color of a classic ripe tomato is due to lycopene. The red color of a classic ripe pepper is not due to lycopene, but instead due to a combination of Capsanthin and Capsorubin. These are produced by the carotenoid pathway like lycopene, but they're produced further along the pathway. The figure at right illustrates the carotenoid pathway in peppers, to the degree I've been able to learn about it from reading primary research literature. Most of the pathway here is identical to that seen in tomatoes (and other plants), but with an extension after Zeaxanthin.

Compared with tomatoes, there is less research available to elucidate the genetics of color in pepper. The following figures are close-up versions of the main figure above, highlighting the placement of a series of mutations in the pathway which result in color changes. The mutations are indicated by a large negative, highlighted in red, at the location of the change to the pathway.

Mutant "y". The first major mutation (left) is responsible for the difference between red and most yellow-orange peppers. The recessive mutant generating the "yellow" ("y") trait is caused by a defect in the gene Capsanthin-Capsorubin Synthase (CSS), which normally converts lighter colored Antheraxanthin and Violaxanthin into the Capsanthin and Capsorubin which are responsible for the typical rich red color.

Papers discussing mutations in CSS refer to the resulting fruit as yellow or sometimes orange. I'm pretty sure this is due to the actual color ranging between orange and yellow depending on the actions of other genes (like those described below).

The next major color mutations are abbreviated as "c1" and "c2". The "c1" trait results in a reduction in red pigment to about 1/10 of the wild-type level. The "c2" trait results in a reduction in red pigment to about 1/100 of the wild-type level. In an otherwise red fruit (with the "Y" allele), the actions of these two genes can result in a range of colors from light-red, to orange and pale-orange. In an otherwise yellow fruit (with the "y" allele), the actions of these two genes can result in a range of colors from pale-orange-yellow, to lemon-yellow and white.
Mutant "c2".
The "c2" mutation has been determined to likely be a defect in the Phytoene Synthase gene. This interferes with the production of a very early stage of the carotenoid pathway, resulting in a strong suppression of every later product in the pathway. Mutations in the same gene in tomatoes is also responsible for the production of yellow and white fruit. Though the phenotypes are different in the two species, they share the common aspect of having a much reduced output of the carotenoid pathway.

Mutant "bc". Another mutation that results in an orange pepper and doesn't have the complications of the "y"/"c1"/"c2" genes is associated with a large increase in β-Carotene. This mutation is in the β-Carotene Hydroxylase 2 (BCH2) gene and interferes with the conversion of β-Carotene into β-Cryptoxanthin. Because of the increase in β-Carotene, the trait is called "bc". 

There's also a pair of genes, called "B" and "t" that interact to result in a high level of β-Carotene, but so far I haven't been able to find any useful research to clarify how the mutations do so.
Mutant "cl".
The chlorophyll that makes a typical immature pepper green is broken down during maturation of the fruit. A mutation that interferes with this breakdown is called "chlorophyll retainer" ("cl"). When it is found in an otherwise red pepper, the result is a ripe pepper with a chocolate-brown color. When it is found in an otherwise yellow pepper, the result is a ripe pepper with an olive-green color.

There are several pepper varieties that have purple or black immature fruit. This trait is driven by two genes. The first mutant ("A") allows the plant to produce anthocyanin pigments in its leaves, stems, and purple immature fruit. The second mutant is a modifier of "A" ("MoA") that increases the amount of anthocyanins produced and results in a black immature fruit. These anthocyanins are broken down as the fruit matures. There is a very rare trait which interferes with this breakdown (seen in variety "Pimenta De Neyde") and so results in ripe fruit that remain purple. I haven't been able to find any publications describing this trait, so I've decided to refer to it as "anthocyanin retainer" and abbreviate as "an". I think it is likely to be a recessive trait, but I'll have to perform some crosses to be sure.

Looking at the β-Carotene enhancing mutant 'bc' in the pathway, I wonder if there are any mutations around which interfere with the conversion of Lycopene into β-Carotene. Such a mutation wouldn't be visible in the normal genetic backround of red peppers, as the red color of Lycopene is very similar to the red color of Capsanthin and Capsorubin. However, such a mutation would be very visible in the bright-orange background of a strain with the 'bc' trait.

Alternately, instead of searching for such a mutation, one could be engineered into the lycopene-cyclase gene to slow down its activity and result in a fruit which has a mix of Lycopene, Capsanthin, and Capsorubin.

pale-orange; orange; red. Habanero-type chiles exist in a wide range of shades. I'd really like to breed up some standard-shaped Habanero chiles in the few missing colors (white, lilac, purple, and black). There is a variety called "Habanero White", but it doesn't have the shape of the classic Habanero. There is also a variety called "Black Habanero", but it has a rich brown color instead of black because it lacks the anthocyanin pigments necessary to generate the most darkly-colored fruit.

Pepper color genotypes I have. y cl c1 c2 A MoA an - ripe-fruit-color + + + + + + + red ("Habanero" from Dominican Republic) + + + c2 + + + orange ("Habanero" from grocer) + + c1 c2 + + + pale-orange ("Habanero" from grocer) y + + c2 + + + lemon-yellow ("Devil's Tongue"; "Datil") + + + + A MoA an purple ("Pimenta De Neyde") - Habanero color genotypes I'd like to have. y cl c1 c2 A MoA an - ripe-fruit-color y + c1 c2 + + + white y + c1 c2 A + an lilac + + + + A MoA an purple + cl + + A MoA an black
I expect different combinations of the "y", "c1", "c2", and "MoA" genes would result in a range of shades between a light lilac all the way to a visually black fruit.

I don't have any pictures of the various pepper colors, but I am growing several peppers this year and expect to get a few nice photos. I have red, pale-orange, and purple fruited plants well-established and I'll soon be starting some of the orange and lemon-yellow types I have seed for.

If I can get my gardens built soon enough, as well as find a way to keep them protected from deer, I'll be able to think about doing some of the initial crosses I would need to make progress towards the few remaining novelty colors.
The Color of Peppers 2


I previously posted about some of the genetics involved in determining the color of tomatoes (the-biologist-is-in.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-color-of-tomatoes.html). I've also written about the genetics of color in chile peppers (the-biologist-is-in.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-color-of-peppers.html), but I recently decided the topic should be approached a second time. The following post is a much improved version of the original, with better photos (mostly my own) and a few more mutations being described.

Ripe chile peppers (Capsicum spp.) come in a very similar range of colors to ripe tomatoes. Both vegetables (along with potatoes, tomatillos, and ground-cherries) belong to the Solanaceae family of plants. Because of the close relationship of the plants, there are strong similarities in how the basic biology of color operates in each of them.

The red color of a classic ripe tomato is due to lycopene. The red color of a classic ripe pepper is not due to lycopene, but instead due to a combination of Capsanthin and Capsorubin. These are produced by the carotenoid pathway like lycopene, but they're produced further along the pathway. The figure at right illustrates the carotenoid pathway in peppers, to the degree I've been able to learn about it from reading primary research literature. Most of the pathway here is identical to that seen in tomatoes (and other plants), but with an extension after Zeaxanthin.

Compared with tomatoes, there is less research available to elucidate the genetics of color in pepper. The following figures are close-up versions of the main figure above, highlighting the placement of a series of mutations in the pathway which result in color changes. The mutations are indicated by a large negative, highlighted in red, at the location of the change to the pathway.

[SIZE=large]Carotenoid Mutations[/SIZE]

"Red", "orange", & "pale-orange"
mature habanero chiles. The first major color mutations are abbreviated as "c1" and "c2". Each mutation acts to reduce the levels of carotenoids produced in the ripe fruit. When both mutations are in the same plant, they interact to reduce pigment levels dramatically.

Mutant "c2". In the photo at left, the left-most chile is the typical wild-type red. The middle chile shows the orange caused by the presence of the "c2" mutation. The right-most chile shows the pale-orange caused by the presence of both the "c2" and "c1" mutations.

The gene containing the "c2" mutation has been identified as that of phytoene synthase (Psy). This defect at a very early stage in the carotenoid pathway results in a strong suppression of every later product in the pathway. (Mutations in the same gene in tomatoes are responsible for the production of yellow or white fruit.) The "c1" mutation has not been associated with a specific gene.

Mutant "y". The next major mutation (left) specifically knocks out the intense red Capsanthin and Capsorubin pigments of chiles. The mutant is abbreviated as "y" because the resulting fruit are yellow when compared to the wild-type red color.

"Red" & "yellow"
mature habanero chiles. To get the lovely lemon-yellow chile at right, the plant also needs to carry the "c2" mutation described in the previous section. The "y" mutation alone results in fruit with a orangish-yellow color (though I have not yet seen a chile I could be sure had this genotype). The variations of how different authors called colors as yellow or orange has led to different papers using the same color terms to refer to the colors produced by different combinations of genes. This can make it difficult to sort out how the results in one paper relate to those from another.

 y   c1   c2      ripe-fruit-color + + +   red + c1 +   pale-red + + c2   orange + c1 c2   pale-orange y + +   yellow-orange y c1 +   pale-yellow y + c2   lemon-yellow y c1 c2   "white" These three mutations, in various combinations can produce anything from a rich "red" fruit to one that is as close to "white" as peppers get. At the left I've tried to represent the colors that would be produced by each genetic combination. I haven't seen some of the combinations, so the colors for those are more of my theory of what they would look like based on the descriptions in all the research I've read.

Mutant "bc". A complication to this story is that there are other mutations which produce a fruit that ripens to orange. The "bc" mutation interferes with the conversion of β-carotene into β-cryptoxanthin, thus resulting in increased β-carotene and an orange color. The mutated gene has been identified as  β-carotene hydroxylase 2 (Bch2)

There's a pair of other mutations, called "B" and "t", that also result in a high level of β-carotene. These two mutations are described as complementing, but it isn't entirely clear what genes they're involved in.

I can't find photos for strains with these last three mutations, but I'm assuming they're more orange than red or yellow due to the enhanced level of β-carotene. Part of the problem is that there isn't a central repository for mutant lines of chiles, so many lines are not generally available. (The Chile Pepper Institute is supposedly working to resolve this by collecting strains discussed in research.)

Mutant "cl". [SIZE=large]Chlorophyll Mutations[/SIZE]

The chlorophyll that makes an immature pepper green is typically broken down during maturation of the fruit, revealing the bright red color of the ripe fruit. A mutation "cl" interferes with this breakdown and is therefore called "chlorophyll retainer". When the chlorophyll doesn't break down, darker colors result.

Photos from www.semillas.de.       In an otherwise red pepper, the result is a chocolate-brown color. In an otherwise yellow pepper, the result is a ripe pepper with an olive-green color. I'm not going to try simulating the colors we would expect for all the combinations of mutations, but I imagine an otherwise orange pepper would be an interesting shade in between brown and green.

I don't have any seed lines carrying this mutation, so I had to look to the web for illustrative photos. (www.semillas.de has lots of interesting chiles, but ordering from them would be problematic for me due to being in a different country.)

"Green" & "light-green"
immature habanero chiles. About the chlorophyll I just mentioned? There are mutations impacting the amount of it produced in immature fruits. In particular, an alleleic series has been identified which results in immature chiles ranging from the typical medium-green all the way to a sulfury-white color. It isn't clear how many distinct alleles are around, leading to them being called "sw" with various subscript labels (like "sw1", "sw2", ..., "swn") to indicate the specific alleles.

"Green" & "light-green"
habanero chiles, now mature. There's no way to know what the proper names for the alleles I have examples of are. They're both lighter than the wild-type color seen on other chiles and at best I can call them "sw1" (for the darker) and "sw2" (for the lighter) until I get some further examples of the series. These two chiles matured to an orange shade intermediate between the "red" and "orange" chiles I described earlier.

The lighter green color of the chiles indicates a reduction in the amount of chloroplasts. During ripening, the chloroplasts develop into chromoplasts as chlorophyll is degraded and carotenoids are synthesized. Fewer chloroplasts when immature means less chromoplasts when mature, thus a lighter "red" color. This phenomenon, where one gene impacts two or more seemingly unrelated traits, is called pleiotropy. (The darker green chile maturing to the lighter orange says that things are complicated and there may be other mutations involved. I hope to sort it out over the next several years.)

[SIZE=large]Anthocyanin Mutations[/SIZE]

"Red" & "yellow", above.
"Pimenta da Neyde", below. There are several pepper varieties that have purple or black immature fruit. This trait is driven by two genes. The "A" mutation allows the plant to produce purple anthocyanin pigments in its leaves, stems, and immature fruit. The "MoA" mutation modifies the effect of "A" to increase the amount of anthocyanins produced, resulting in more of a black color.

These anthocyanins are typically broken down as the fruit matures and so even black immature chiles will ripen to red/yellow/etc. A very rare trait which interferes with this breakdown is seen in the variety "Pimenta da Neyde". This trait results in mature fruit which remain purple or black. I haven't been able to find any publications describing this trait, so I've decided to refer to it as anthocyanin-retainer. I've found some of illustrative images of the the fruit produced in F1 plants: ("Pimenta da Neyde" x "Bubblegum 7" -> "Neyde x Bubblegum 7"), ("Pimenta da Neyde" x "Trinidad Douglah" ->  "Douglah x Neyde"). These photos indicate the anthocyanin-retainer mutation is recessive, so the short-hand label for the trait should be the lower-case "an". (I would only have to prove this pattern and write it up in a proper research publication to make the label official.)

[SIZE=large]Pattern Mutations[/SIZE]

There are a several mutations ("pi", "bv", "m-1", "m-2", "m-3", "m-4", "vg[SIZE=x-small]m[/SIZE]", "vg[SIZE=x-small]v[/SIZE]", "chl", "dvg") which result in various forms of variegation of chile plants/fruit. Unfortunately, I haven't heard of any of these mutations being associated with any available strain.

"Fish" peppers; photo from
www.seedsavers.org.   The oldest variety of a striped chile that I've come across is called "Fish". The entire plant shows variegation and produces immature peppers with stripes of green and white. When the fruit matures, they change to the rich red color of typical peppers. I've read anecdotes of the variegation trait in "Fish" spreading to other strains when hybridized, which suggests dominance, but I haven't read any real research about the genetic patterns of the trait in "Fish" chiles.

"Enjoya" pepper; marketing
photo from the TwitterVerse.   Another type of striping is evident in a new variety called "Enjoya" which is currently only available in the Netherlands. (Anyone over there want to send me some seeds?) I managed to find one photo (in this article) that shows the "Enjoya" plant and its immature fruit, which show no variegation. Stripes that appear only during fruit maturation does not match any mutation I can find descriptions for.

"Pink Tiger" pepper; photo edited
from mojopepper.blogspot.com.   Another type of striping is seen in a series of pepper varieties still undergoing development. The first I came across is the iconic "Pink Tiger" which was derived from a cross between "Pimenta da Neyde" and "Bhut Jolokia". All of this group ("Pink Tiger""Pimenta Tiger""Black Scorpion Tongue"; others?) seem to be derived from crosses with "Pimenta da Neyde". This form of striping appears more random than the previous two. The peppers almost look like they have purple tears on the pale skin of the fruit. This trait also isn't associated with variegation in the rest of the plant. The extent of stripes/spots a plant produces seems to depend on how the plant was grown, though details of what conditions encourage or discourage the trait remain unclear to me.
I was just curious as to which traits seem to show up most frequently.
It's kinda.... "how long is a piece of string Q"

To make the Q easier to answer we first need to break things down a bit.

Do you mean the most frequent Phenotype/Genotype "traits" exhibited within the "entire" "Chilli" species,

Or perhaps you mean both Phenotype and Genotype traits exhibited in (for example),... the Chilli-"Annuum" family compared to traits found in the Chilli-"Frutescens" family etc etc . They are familys "within" the species and are all different because they exibit different specific traits from one family to another.

Then broken down again,....or do you mean both Phenotype and Genotype traits exhibited "within" (for example) a Chilli/Annuum -"Cayenne" , compared to maybe a "Chilli/Baccatum - "Bishops Crown" etc etc.

Then broken down further again,..you may mean the most frequent Phenotype and Genotype traits exhibited from one (for example) Chilli/Annuum -"Cayenne" to another Chilli/Annuum -"Cayenne" .

As I say ..it's a kind of... "how long is a piece of string Q"
It's a very complex question that first needs to be broken down to be answered.

Hope this has helped a bit,
My time in the US South seems to indicate that "round" is by far the dominant shape.  As to color, blonde is definitely recessive because all the natural ones seem to have been bred out of existence.
Peppers?  Oh.  Carry on.