review White and Gold Bullet Review

Could you post your thoughts on the flavor and aroma of White and Gold Bullets. Do they have that Habenero Flavor? You know, the somewhat solvent-like, fruity, citrus thing.

And then how did they grow for you. Thanks.
I tried to grow two white bullet plants last year. They never really got too big (a few inches) which is strange because my plants usually do amazing.
Are white and gold bullets F1, or open pollinated? A guy I know gave me some pods to try, and I made them into a powder, and yes they do have that Hab taste that you know and love,with a little smoke flavor, and lots of heat! At least that's how they tasted to me.
They are open polinated, but the name is trademarked. The actual plant however is not patented as they are traditional peruvian varities - perhaps bred a little more for consistancy.

So you can grow them etc. just can't use the names commercially.
loki said:
They are open polinated, but the name is trademarked. The actual plant however is not patented as they are traditional peruvian varities - perhaps bred a little more for consistancy.

So you can grow them etc. just can't use the names commercially.

Thanks Loki!
are they supposed to stay small, cuz i'm gonna have a serious space crunch all of a sudden in about a year and a half...i think i'll try it next year then i'll have an established plant for when i move if i like it.
redwood seed company is calling it 40k but thats some strange measurement they're denoting as HS and as a reference point the chocolate hab is rated 6k...
Redwood is really messed up. They still say the tepin is the hottest pepper and then there's the crap about not using peat and the Dremmen's scale sounds like a real joke.
well if its a proportional scale it would imply 6k/300k=40k/x and so the scoville would be 2 million. either they're so full of crap that i wouldn't trust anything they say or somebody should alert guiness (probabilities not equal, expected value heavily weighted towards full of crap)
loki said:
Could you post your thoughts on the flavor and aroma of White and Gold Bullets. Do they have that Habenero Flavor? You know, the somewhat solvent-like, fruity, citrus thing.

And then how did they grow for you. Thanks.
Solvent-like? Hmmmm....sounds like you had some bad habaneros. The ones I've been eating taste fresh and crisp. A truly unique flavor. Sorry, though, can't help you on the White and Gold Bullets.
loki said:
Could you post your thoughts on the flavor and aroma of White and Gold Bullets. Do they have that Habenero Flavor? You know, the somewhat solvent-like, fruity, citrus thing.

And then how did they grow for you. Thanks.

how do you even know what solvent tastes like? and did you wash them down with some refreshing solvent?
GrumpyBear said:
how do you even know what solvent tastes like? and did you wash them down with some refreshing solvent?

Oh..I do that all the time! You know when you want them really clean, I take some nice ripe chiles and spray um with 409, it also add's flavor.:lol:
I grew the White Bullet (tm) last year. It was a much smaller bush than most chinense, being very compact and dense. I thought that the stems were a bit small and often seemed brittle when loaded down with fruit. It was extremely prolific as I was picking 4-5 pods off of it every day (placing them in my pocket to take to work) yet it produced much more peppers than I could ever eat. The flavor is a light, aromatic citrus note. It has a very high heat to pod size ratio, which I expect stems from the fact that the bulk of the pepper is receptacle and seed, having little actual pod flesh. Overall it was a nice plant and I'm growing a couple again this year.
I've grown both as well. I agree 100% with this person's assessment below on the White Bullet. I've never seen branches crack easier on a C. Chinense plant.

The Gold Bullet is hotter (not in the proportion as Redwood City Seed Company says) than White Bullet. I thought it was far less productive, but very nice heat and flavor. It's similar to a Cumari. Would I pay $10 for a seed packet....###L NO! :) The seeds are trademarked and I think overpriced.


donpachi said:
I grew the White Bullet (tm) last year. It was a much smaller bush than most chinense, being very compact and dense. I thought that the stems were a bit small and often seemed brittle when loaded down with fruit. It was extremely prolific as I was picking 4-5 pods off of it every day (placing them in my pocket to take to work) yet it produced much more peppers than I could ever eat. The flavor is a light, aromatic citrus note. It has a very high heat to pod size ratio, which I expect stems from the fact that the bulk of the pepper is receptacle and seed, having little actual pod flesh. Overall it was a nice plant and I'm growing a couple again this year.